Example sentences of "had given [pos pn] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The record of this parliament is incomplete , but the recollection of contemporaries seems unequivocal , and in later , more difficult , circumstances parliament was to be reminded more than once that it had given its assent to the war .
2 Once parliament had given its assent to the war and Edward 's prospective companions in arms had been singled out for honours , Edward set about mobilizing the financial support he needed .
3 It had given its support to League sanctions against Italy , putting this view forward to its international contacts in the " Left Bureau .
4 They comprised the Bullhouse corn mill , a fulling mill ( later a wire mill ) which had given its name to a new settlement at Millhouse Green , the Ecklands bridge paper mill ( later an umbrella works ) , the Plumpton cloth mill , the Thurlstone corn mill and another cloth mill which had been erected in 1740 as an oil mill for crushing rape and linseed .
5 In that context , Franco was the unifying common denominator , in that he was the only person acceptable to all the shades of political opinion present on the Committee , to the external powers whose political and material support were vital to the Nationalists , and to the Catholic Church , which had given its blessing to the rising as the defence of Christianity against communism .
6 ‘ Pawing ! ’ she exclaimed , and illogically started to feel angry that this swine of a man she had given her heart to should still be so ready to think the worst of her .
7 It was n't many months ago that she had been offended by his exploring fingers , but tonight she had given her breast to his hand as if to a baby .
8 Julia , stunned but dry-eyed , had given her statement to the police .
9 On May 17 , local leaders meeting with SNM representatives at the town of Burao in the north-east had given their support to the secession ; according to Le Monde of May 16 and 21 , SNM leaders favoured a federalist solution but had bowed to this grasssroots opinion .
10 The decision , if fully implemented , threatened to split the LDP , many senior members of which had given their approval to , or accepted positions within , the new movement .
11 He also hated war , but had given his life to working for the down-and-outs in London .
12 If Peter were encouraged to despise and disbelieve the very authority he had given his life to , where would that leave him , but spinning in an abyss ?
13 Ten years before , in December 1978 , Deng Xiaoping had given his support to reforming the economy first in the rural areas then in the cities .
14 The dead Jewish convoy commander had given his name to the land where Mrs Zamzam 's village once stood , an Israeli hamlet that was now periodically threatened with rocket-fire from Palestinian guerrillas , perhaps the same men who as children walked with Mrs Zamzam from Um Al-Farajh after the ambush on the Jewish convoy .
15 She had given his name to Golding on Tuesday but had made no effort to contact him since to explain the situation .
16 God had given his Spirit to his anointed king in order to equip him for his leadership of the people .
17 He made it sound as though she had given his sermon to the messenger boy .
18 As a result of the meeting Devi Lal apparently believed he had the Prime Minister 's approval to reinstate his son , although Singh subsequently denied that he had given his approval to such a move .
19 If they had given his note to her exactly as he had said …
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