Example sentences of "had not [verb] her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had not wanted her to be here any more than she 'd wanted to come .
2 ‘ Come back , come back ! ’ she shouted , but he pretended that he had not heard her at all .
3 For all her self-confidence , her upbringing had not prepared her for that . ’
4 ’ Melissa was about to point out that Angy 's tender heart had not prevented her from flaunting Rick 's ring as if it were her own , nor had she intervened to protect Barney from hurt , but she merely said , ‘ It was enough to make anyone angry . ’
5 If he had been indifferent to Catherine , if he had not loved her at least as much , more , than she did herself , she could not have done it .
6 When he let go of her , she fell back against the sideboard , clutching it for support , fighting for enough composure so that she could make some clever response that would make clear that the kiss had not disturbed her in the least .
7 She told him her perfume came all the way from Hollywood , in America , where she herself would have been living these last nine years if only Frankie 's birth had not robbed her of the life of glamour and excitement she deserved .
8 I was horrified to find out later that in fact he had not collected her from school but from the police station .
9 He had not seen her for a while and he was pretty sure she had committed suicide .
10 He had not seen her since early Friday morning .
11 Wycliffe had not seen her at first .
12 Nora had not seen her like that since the day she and Sam had arrived at Coutances .
13 Jane had not visited her on impulse , nor yet as a premeditated plan .
14 I wanted to tell her this was n't quite true , that I had had no choice , but her grey , tired look stopped me : it would hurt her too much , I thought , to feel I had not trusted her with the truth in the beginning .
15 He had not accused her of killing the Pitts , but he had certainly hinted that she was capable of it .
16 She seemed irritated that he had not taken her into his confidence by using Akhenaten 's real name .
17 So he had not failed her after all !
18 Alain had not allowed her to be where he would have to talk to her .
19 I had not told her about my summons to the Palace , but when I appeared in a tail coat , this unusual costume , combined with the insistence on punctuality , led her to make an accurate deduction .
20 Anthony had always known that she loved Julia , but after the things Comfort had said at Christmas he had not expected her to be thrown into quite such terror .
21 Fergus looked up , because for all Dierdriu 's hubris , he had not expected her to be so suddenly direct .
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