Example sentences of "had been [v-ing] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The blue-tit that had been swinging on a bramble , singing " Heigh , ho , go-and-get-another-bit-of-moss , " stopped his acrobatics and flew into the wood .
2 Cormack had been swinging on the bar stool , fingering his wallet because Amanda 's appetite for food and drink had made his credit cards nervous , when he 'd seen the man in the raincoat in reception and the beer had spilled over his hand and left wet stains on the varnish for the boy to polish away .
3 The witness said Gary had been swinging on the metal posts on May 11 when they collapsed on his chest .
4 At this Maria Candida , who had been listening on the stairs , let out a wail of joy at the thought that she would be seeing Portugal again ; Leonora went to embrace her daughter and whisper her blessings , while Gerald , who knew when he was beaten and was never any good in emotional situations , announced that he had important business in the castle yard , and would return as soon as he had attended to it .
5 The 31-year-old victim 's wife , who had been drifting on an anchor line 10ft below their charter boat , was uninjured .
6 In the apartment Sam Somerville had been dozing on the couch , once so favoured by Quinn , because it was right next to the flash phone .
7 He asked what Angela Morgan had been drawing on every month and found his belief confirmed .
8 I had caught an eider duck that had been sheltering on a lochan and was flying back with it against the wind when I grew tired .
9 Mandy 's parents had been understandably concerned at her friendship with Mark , but their demands on her had been bordering on the unreasonable .
10 And the one that had been writhing on the ground recovered itself , lunging towards her from the other side .
11 It was the suit Sir Henry had been wearing on the morning when we first met him in Baker Street .
12 Rafiq , for example , who had not changed out of the grubby overalls that he had been wearing on the day of Robert 's interview , seemed to spend most of his time painting the walls of his classroom .
13 He was wearing the crumpled suit he had been wearing on the day Robert first saw him in the pub .
14 Quinn had been doodling on a pad .
15 The first arrivals were coming out of Customs now : two middle-aged couples , a crowd of kids who looked like students , a family with four children and grandma , a man who looked as if he had been drinking on the plane , his collar undone and his tie hanging .
16 The SNM stated that the relief workers had been riding on a government military lorry ; such lorries were subject to routine attack and they appealed to relief agencies to be " independent " in performing their duties .
17 Constance had lost Ludo — something she had been dreading on the journey up from Florence — but she was not alarmed .
18 Some boys had been jumping on the backs of trams , when the conductor 's attention was distracted , giving the emergency bell signal , stealing cash boxes and jumping off .
19 With Dara once more clinging firmly and rather painfully to her arm she was walked back to the small , intimate table they had been sharing on the edge of the small dance-floor , but Ace was quickly on to his feet , side-stepping Dara 's attempt to greet him with a kiss .
20 Shaking off the nostalgia that threatened to overwhelm her , she went to the window and threw it open , startling a tiny robin that had been resting on the sill .
21 The cursor will be returned to its original size and moved to a point just outside where the highlight had been depending on the key tapped .
22 When it broke daylight the next morning he found he had been fishing on a sandbar which shallowed up twenty yards out .
23 Erika remembered the Watchword Omi had been reading on the day when Karl had come .
24 It was raining when Patrick Montgomery Lundy , followed by Jane Bradley , stepped onto Irish soil , and he suddenly remembered his mother telling him that it had been raining on the day she had first come to Ireland , in the May of 1898 .
25 For the first time local Labour parties were given some sense of common identity , which had been lacking on the political wing since the disaffiliation of the ILP .
26 His younger brother Fitz , who had been running on the ground , now took over Kendo 's role and chased the monkeys further , while Kendo followed on the ground , along with Macho , Ulysse , Brutus and several females .
27 Later she wondered what Brian had been doing on the towpath , forgetting that his favourite restaurant commanded a view of the canal .
28 Essentially those who felt themselves to be excluded from power decided to support a perfectly plausible claimant to the throne who had been waiting on the sidelines for such a following to materialize .
29 On her return , Michel had been waiting on the platform with a gun in his hand but could not bring himself to shoot .
30 He had been walking on the riverbank observing a high tide .
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