Example sentences of "had been [v-ing] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Golf Information Centre telephonists , recently trained in passable French , had been taking advanced bookings from around the world .
2 They were the two he had talked to on the previous search , the ones who had been taking such pains with the dovecot .
3 Mr Major had been taking private soundings about such a move before Christmas .
4 Trade unions representing ambulance workers and National Health Service ( NHS ) management agreed on Feb. 23 on a phased pay increase for ambulance workers , who since September 1989 had been taking varying degrees of industrial action [ see p. 37160 ] .
5 Fleury was quite wrong in thinking that Miriam had been nourishing amorous ambitions as far as the Collector was concerned ; on the contrary , throughout the siege she had taken great pains not to allow her feelings to attach themselves to any individual man .
6 His lordship had been entertaining two guests , a young lady and gentleman , in the summerhouse , and had watched my father 's approach across the lawn bearing a much welcome tray of refreshments .
7 For many years the Accounting Standards Committee ( the ASC ) of the accountancy bodies had been producing valuable Statements of Standard Accounting Practice ( SSAPs ) and had done its best to ensure that they were observed — not always successfully since the Statements had no statutory recognition .
8 Mitra attacked a secret visit by Ramos to Switzerland in mid-February , hinting that Ramos had been seeking foreign funds for his campaign .
9 The ad-man opposite had been casting meaningful glances at her all evening , and the likeliest explanation seemed to be that she and Roger were doing a number together and I 'd inadvertently got caught in the crossfire .
10 The Prussian banks found that they had been lending increasing amounts to the Junkers to maintain a lifestyle rather than to finance the modernisation of facilities and improve agricultural methods .
11 It subsequently emerged that Lady Essex had been administering debilitating potions to her husband and was implicated in the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury , who knew too much about this .
12 This was in response to reports that Collor 's main political advisers had been using federal funds to solicit the votes of the 168 deputies needed to fend off the impeachment initiative .
13 She tried to tell him that hospitals had been using such beds for years , but he just went into another tantrum .
14 Throughout the decade , Grierson had been sponsoring young filmmakers to go out and record the lives of ordinary working people .
15 The tin-mining towns of Camborne and Redruth on the north coast of Cornwall had been facing major redundancies since the 1985 plunge in tin prices .
16 The authority had been hoping Heswallbased developers Dayglobe would buy the Grade Two listed property .
17 The authority had been hoping Heswallbased developers Dayglobe would buy the Grade Two listed property .
18 Meanwhile , the corporate-finance deals that had been generating big bucks for Wall Street 's investment bankers were starting to dry up .
19 The bruise was a dull , greenish sickle of shadow just under the cheek-bone and then a comma of purple on the side of the nose , as if Culley had been wearing ill-fitting glasses .
20 Gebrec had been wearing blue slacks yesterday morning .
21 Not unless the climber had been wearing hobnailed boots .
22 This man , he said , had been criticising current ideas about the origin of the Teutons and the age of their civilisation , and had condemned these ideas from allegedly scientific points of view .
23 I had a little snigger ; it had to be fully ten minutes since the last stroke of eleven , and the thunder had been murmuring dark warnings ever since .
24 Ever since the bridge was turned on Saturday ready for its short journey down the motorway to its demolition site , the 79m structure had been developing visible cracks .
25 Dr Henry Sacheverell was a High Anglican cleric who had been delivering violent attacks on Dissenters , occasional conformists and Low Churchmen for several years .
26 The loss of trade in either case ( and there was the matter of England 's wider markets to be considered , too ) would mean a grave financial loss to the country , not to forget the crown which , since the reign of Edward I , had been taxing certain commodities , such as wool and cloth , as they left and arrived in the country .
27 A client who hated her job told me she had been considering other options for two years , without taking any positive action .
28 Miles had been dropping heavy hints about how difficult it was to get petrol and how he intended to use the Cortina ‘ for emergency uses only ’ .
29 Less innocent were the scandals such as that exposed in 1916 of Hospital 27 , where a crooked doctor had been providing bogus discharges from the army at several thousand francs a time .
30 ‘ You have to remember they are the current league champions and had been training three nights a week .
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