Example sentences of "had been [verb] away [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her clothing had been ripped away to the waist in the horrific attack , said police spokesman Shlomo Ben Hemo .
2 In 1391 the castle of St Briavels and the Forest of Dean were given to Thomas , Duke of Gloucester to hold in tail male , and in 1398 the forest of Rutland to Edward , Duke of Albermarle : by 1405 the Somerset forests of Neroche , Exmoor , Mendip and the park of North Petherton had been granted away to the Earl of March .
3 In fact it had been blown away on a gust of wind as soon as the crate was opened in Liverpool and was never seen again .
4 Rebus and Osvaldo had been blown away from each other some three metres .
5 She had been sent away to school soon after this , so she had not noticed the beginning of the gradual retrenchment which had resulted in extreme economy .
6 A number of teachers had been sent away from our area , too ; some off them as far away as Naples .
7 Thérèse knew that she had been sent away from her parents at the age of two months , to be fed by Rose , that she had lived with Rose for sixteen months .
8 There were other things he would not tell her either , such as the reason he had been called away from the restaurant .
9 The fishing nets and the postcards were no longer on display , and the woollens and the charming useless pottery had been packed away for the coming winter and the new season to follow-then they were out of the village , passing through a scattering of newer and less substantial houses and following the narrow lakeside road to Langstone .
10 In other parts of the Americas , settlers had been done away with , by what means nobody later could discover , for new arrivals would find the incomers ' stockade deserted , with not a sign of struggle .
11 The Sultan had since abdicated , the Caliphate had been abolished , the Dervish orders had been suppressed and most traditional ceremonies and pageantry had been done away with .
12 The plan was designed to give France the initiative in German affairs which had been slipping away from her .
13 We noticed the man 's wallet had been cut away from the belt round his waist .
14 It was found that while the annual revenue was about $400,000 , there was only about $1,000 in the account ; John Piper had received $20,000 as his percentage and $8,000 as his salary , and the remainder had been frittered away by lax and costly administration .
15 Aunt Nessy had been one of those children who , in the days of large families , had been given away to elderly childless relatives to be brought up as a kind of maid-of-all-work and as an insurance against old age ; and what had upset her most when the parting came was having to leave her youngest sister , Beatrice , on whom she had lavished the mother-love within her — birthright of the children she was destined never to conceive .
16 This too had been given away by Brueckner and was surrounded by a German patrol .
17 ‘ Anatoli ? ’ he called out after Vasili had been led away to the Zim .
18 As she hung the waterproofs in the locker she remembered with vivid clarity how his gaze had met hers after Giles had been led away by the stewards .
19 They had gone through the buildings when they had searched the area previously but on that occasion , as Owen reminded himself crossly , he had been summoned away in the middle by that foolish District Chief and sent on that wild goose chase down to the river .
20 For years father had been nagging away at him to take some interest and prove he had the Miletti flair , yet as soon as he tried to show a bit of initiative everyone got on their high horse about it , father especially , calling him a worthless junkie and I do n't what else besides .
21 At the time of the revolution there was a great deal of speculation about the Ceauşescus ' wealth which , it was often claimed , had been stashed away in Swiss banks .
22 Devon had been romping away with the section , but by the beginning of August had seen their lead whittled away , with Oxfordshire emerging as a growing and serious threat to their supremacy , 20 points behind but with two matches in hand .
23 The track had become a shallow river : the clay had been eaten away from the broken rock and pebble surface , and the front wheel of the motor cycle kicked continuously against the handlebars .
24 Nuadu could see that even the pale , jellied part of one eye was partly missing and he had the sudden sickening impression that it had been eaten away from within .
25 The French , who had been staying away in droves , would also be targeted with a splashy new advertising campaign .
26 By mid December the main flow of the Tara had been diverted away from the base of the dam .
27 While the superstitious veneration of the saints had been swept away by the reformers , the worldly vanity of elaborate family memorials was permitted and grew ever more popular .
28 Some saw fascism as a means to restore an alleged utopian past of harmonious political , economic and social relationships which had been swept away by the war and replaced by the degenerative effects of the extension of the franchise in 1918 and the emergence of political democracy .
29 In the early eighteenth century Rudyerd was in business as a silk mercer in Ludgate Hill , London , when he was engaged by Captain John Lovel or Lovet , the lessee , to act as ‘ architect and surveyor ’ for a lighthouse on the Eddystone reef near Plymouth , to replace the one built by Henry Winstanley [ q.v. ] , which had been swept away by a storm in 1703 after only five years .
30 Instead of this , the impression was given by ministers that their previous doubts about the Maastricht Treaty had been swept away by the Danish vote .
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