Example sentences of "had been [verb] by a " in BNC.

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1 This is the first time UEFA has banned a Dutch club , but two years ago the national team were ordered to replay a European Championship qualifying match behind closed doors after Cyprus 's goalkeeper had been struck by a firework .
2 On reviving him the man told the head ganger that he had been struck by a blow at the back of the head yet medical evidence revealed no sign of injury , furthermore his whistle , flags , and lamp were never found .
3 Le Pen , meanwhile , had been cleared by a Versailles court on July 2 of " publicly insulting " the Minister for Public Services , Michel Durafour in September 1988 , by using the word-play " Durafour-crematoire " ( " four crematoire " having been the normal description for the furnaces used for burning bodies in Nazi Germany ) [ see pp. 36230 ; 37683 ] .
4 His father had been paralysed by a fall from a white stallion .
5 Mrs Burrows had been paralysed by a stroke .
6 They lit the candles they had brought and made their way along a passage which led out of the chamber , gazing wordlessly — he could n't remember that they had spoken at all while in there — at the arched limestone walls , at the tunnels that from time to time branched from this central artery , once into a wide gallery whose egress had been blocked by a fall of stone .
7 The official peace negotiations in Rome had been blocked by a succession of differences over a wide range of political and constitutional issues .
8 Government concern over the country 's economic performance had been increased by a current-account deficit of $646,000,000 in the first two months of 1990 , compared with a surplus of $888,000,000 in the same period a year earlier .
9 I do not suppose that in every case it would be worth the trouble that would be caused to the taxing authorities if they were to inquire into every deposit account and find if the interest had been increased , unless it had been increased by a large amount .
10 One of Phyl 's Plaza chums , Mignon Harman had an unhappy life at this time ; she had been adopted by a doctor and on the surface was a vivacious person spending her time playing cards and laughing with the rest of them .
11 Nonetheless the rebels immediately announced their rejection of the new Constitution on the grounds that it had been adopted by a National Assembly which the MNR considered invalid .
12 This historic search of 1959 was an assignment to find a Chief Executive for ITT , the powerful but then rather dormant telephone equipment corporation , which had been run by a dynasty of ex-service leaders .
13 In February 1988 he had been indicted by a Miami grand jury for having conspired between 1981 and 1986 with the Medellín drugs cartel of Colombia to traffick drugs into the USA .
14 The house had been built by a mill owner who had made a comfortable fortune at the woollen mill which straddled the river Pleshey a mile or two west of Lulling .
15 But Napoleon III 's Second Empire changed all this , decisively and enthusiastically embracing railway-building so that by 1870 11,000 miles had been built by a partnership between the State and the six great companies that emerged from the initial burst of railway fever .
16 It had been written by a Syrian monk around 500 ad with the idea that contemplative monks were most like the highest orders of angels , closest to the Godhead in heaven .
17 The libretto , which had been lying in his drawer for years , had been written by a M. Frontenac , who had known Alain-Fournier personally , and had been under the spell of his novel since it first appeared in 1913 .
18 I found it strange that those words had come from the Parliamentary Secretary because , when I read them , I thought that they had been written by the Labour candidate , John Metcalfe , because there was no other indication that that article had been written by a Minister of the Crown who is responsible for this country 's agriculture .
19 In 1947 again the winter closed in after Christmas , as often happens in the Dales , only this time haytime had been ruined by a terrible summer and , in spite of the RAF airlift of fodder , many thousands of animals died of starvation .
20 It might appear that Mynne and his family had been ruined by a combination of the forest laws , the drive against exacted fees , and finally by backing the losing side in the civil war : yet their liquid assets must have been very considerable .
21 Beefy 's wrath had been provoked by a swipe Raine had taken in Mission Impossible at Durham County Cricket Club .
22 A man who felt he had been victimized by a crime and who wished to have the perpetrators punished could accuse the person or persons whom he suspected before either a justice of the peace or a police magistrate .
23 As I had come to know a number of rectors and vicars in the course of my journeys , for reasons which I have mentioned , Eliot questioned me about what he felt might he a mounting danger , namely that the Church might seek to increase by chauvinism what it appeared to be losing in spirituality : and indeed the vicar of my own village had been upbraided by a group of parishioners for not preaching sermons directly furthering the war effort , which Eliot said was tantamount to making him into an unpaid official of the MOI .
24 Once the boon of common liberal institutions had been granted by a generous metropolis , a refusal to accept the rule of Spain was conceived as ‘ indecent ’ ingratitude , as a separatist rebellion .
25 Mr Robson had told his wife he had been scratched by a woman during a pub fight .
26 The Times of Feb. 22 reported that seven senior executives from the Valsella Meccanotecnica company in Brescia , northern Italy , had been convicted by a Brescia court of illegally exporting 9,000,000 land mines to Iraq in 1982-86 .
27 The boy had been examined by a surgeon , Thomas Chapman , who found numerous wheals , bruises and lacerations , and his report to the guardians led to proceedings being taken against the tailor before the County magistrates ; he was convicted and fined £5 .
28 Captain Bob Sclater , the Orkney island 's harbours director , said attempts to refloat the ship would stop until she had been examined by a team of salvage specialists .
29 Det Sgt Pat Lewis , of the child protection team , confirmed she had been examined by a doctor and added : ‘ We will be speaking to her in the morning .
30 ‘ That was not a simple case of a husband obtaining a document from his wife ; it was also a case where the document had been obtained by a trustee from his cestui que trust by means of pressure and the concealment of material facts …
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