Example sentences of "had been [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In his iron mug , on the privacy of his bunk , Holly had manufactured the pulp of papier-mâché as he had been taught to by his mother when he was a small boy .
2 In line with a January 1990 central government request for the resignation of all State governors , Vice-Adml. ( retd ) Rustom Khushro Shaporjee Gandhi resigned as Governor of Himachal Pradesh , a post he had been appointed to in April 1986 .
3 By meticulous surveying and mapping over many years , exploration of the cave beyond its earliest known extremities — to connect with underground passages coming down from Gaping Gill a mile away — had been charted to within a short distance .
4 Jailing Murray , Lord Kirkwood described the charge he had been convicted of as a very serious offence .
5 They were invited into the classrooms to take part in some of the activities the pupils had been engaged in during the past term .
6 The court may disallow an amendment on its own motion or on application , and shall do so where satisfied that if an application for leave had been applied for under Ord 15 , r 1 it would have been refused ( Ord 15 , r 2(3) ) .
7 Such a collapse had been hinted at in molecular dynamics computer simulations .
8 Through her time of growing up , Miranda had had to talk so loud to interrupt the brawling , crying , canoodling jag that was her parent 's marriage , to entertain so insistently in order to divert them from the partying , bickering , kiss-and-make-up affair that absorbed them totally , that she had become as deaf to tremors and to nuances as her former games mistress shouting ‘ Bombs Coming Over ’ or ‘ Scrub the Decks ’ through a megaphone in the gym at the dim convent Miranda had been sent to for those three years of her childhood when the family had been in funds .
9 I heard that Lord Salisbury and Sir Winston Churchill had been sent for by the Queen .
10 They had been sentenced to between five and 14 years ' imprisonment on the basis of forensic evidence from hand swabs indicating that they had handled nitroglycerine .
11 The seven had been sentenced to between five and 14 years ' imprisonment on the basis of forensic evidence from hand swabs indicating they had handled nitroglycerine .
12 He also told us how he had nourished the fire of hate inside him , ever since as a child of seven he had been spat upon by a white man .
13 She would never find now whatever it was she had been looking for from life .
14 And in understanding the old picture so vividly , he has prepared us to appreciate , and to understand , many things which we either could not previously have hoped to understand , or which we had been looking at with half-open eyes .
15 After a one-minute search , he noticed the National Geographic magazine which he had been looking at with the teacher earlier in the day .
16 But finally deciding it was time to move off , and doing his best to ignore the rooks , which began to mob him again the moment he took flight , he flew three hundred yards to another oak which he had been looking at with some care .
17 we approximately the subject we had been looking at for some time so I approximately , nineteen eighty eight , nineteen eighty nine
18 Again the number of Western representatives was small : there were only five papal legates , three bishops and two priests , but they were given the presidency partly at least because this council , though formally convoked by the emperor , had been called for by Pope Leo .
19 Harris is believed to have said on receiving the Directive to form a Target Marking Force , that this was one more occasion where a commander in the field had been dictated to by junior officers at the Ministry .
20 Apparently — he told Robert — anyone at his school who was not 100 per cent white had been referred to as ‘ Abdul . ’
21 Leo , bless him , was as ugly as sin ; and James had been referred to by more than one gossip columnist as a sex symbol .
22 For example , subjects were able to remember whether a character had been referred to by name or by pronominal reference ( as in , He wo n't leave Rachel 's room / Mac wo n't leave Rachel 's room ) and whether an utterance had contained a full clausal unit or an abbreviated elliptical clause ( as in You mean that Jamie does n't know that his mother is in the hospital yet ? / You mean that Jamie does n't know that yet ? ) .
23 Argaw Tiruneh , appointed Minister of Housing and Town Development and of Construction , had been referred to by the radio on May 9 as Construction Minister .
24 The applicants , Coventry Newspapers Ltd. , ( ‘ C.N.L. ’ ) , defendants in a libel action brought against them by David Woodley and Roger Clifford , sought ( 1 ) a declaration that C.N.L. were at liberty to receive from Michael Thomas Bromell copies of all such witness statements , notes , notebooks and other documents which had come into existence in the course of an investigation by the Police Complaints Authority into the conduct of David Woodley and Roger Clifford as had been read to or by the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) or had been referred to in open court during the hearing of Reg. v. Bromell ( unreported ) , 22 June 1992 , C.A. , on a reference , dated 10 May 1991 , of his case by the Home Secretary under section 17(1) ( a ) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 ; and/or ( 2 ) variation of the implied undertaking pursuant to which Michael Thomas Bromell had received the documents under the order of the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) on 9 July 1991 , so as to permit him to disclose copies of all such documents described in ( 1 ) above to C.N.L. for the purpose of defending the libel action .
25 The US White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater had meanwhile ( according to Le Monde of March 26 ) said that it would not be sufficient for Libya to hand the two men over to the Arab League ; Libya had to comply with all the demands that had been referred to in Resolution 731 [ see ICJ verdict below ] .
26 The magazine could not prove the truth of this statement , which it had sourced to an MI5 report , but it claimed to be able to justify the " sting " of the libel , namely that the plaintiff was a person given to extra-marital affairs , a number of which had been referred to in the article without attracting complaint .
27 And at the National Enquirer in the US , the paper which broke the story and published artist 's impressions of the pictures , insiders said the pictures had been seen by at least one member of staff .
28 Over long years , he had sought to rebuild the nuclear programme , as he had been charged to by the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council .
29 She wondered what ‘ period ’ he had been enraptured with at the time he 'd been here .
30 It rescues psychoanalysis from the confusions it had been led into by seeing itself as a natural science , like physics or chemistry .
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