Example sentences of "had been [verb] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 A low-loading trailer had been fixed up as a platform for the clergy who led the service and the singing .
2 It had been built ostensibly as a future home for a son and his future wife , but tastes and pocket books had changed .
3 The Pa. stood for Pennsylvania , and the machines had been sent over as part of the Marshall Plan to get Europe back on its feet and wearing nylons just like the Americans .
4 Britannia said the youth had been named unofficially as John in from Spain .
5 The soldier had been named earlier as Mervyn Johnston , 38 , a lance corporal in the Royal Irish Regiment .
6 The NHP had been registered officially as Thailand 's 16th political party on Oct. 11 .
7 On April 8 it was reported that ANC peace talks with Inkatha , scheduled for the previous weekend , had been called off as a result of the ANC 's May 9 ultimatum to de Klerk .
8 He said that credit costs had been rising partly as a reaction to global inflationary fears , but that the current high interest rates were necessary and appropriate and were a way of keeping inflation in check .
9 Part of the cathedral had been roped off as a theatre , a very Sussex touch .
10 Although it had been conceived originally as a means of reducing illegal practices during the process of distillation , the ‘ Coffey still ’ had obvious commercial advantages , but his efforts to introduce it in Ireland met with little success , and it was in Scotland that it first became popular in the 1840s .
11 Again she was plied with whisky , but this time in hot water and sweetened with brown sugar ; she was then led to the sitting-room couch that had been made up as a bed for her .
12 It is not surprising therefore that the first video materials that came with video into the classroom were materials which had been made originally as films or broadcast television programmes .
13 Her new husband , William Chinnock , had affiliations with the Zion Chapel on the corner of Catherine Hill and Whittox Lane , and had been baptised there as an infant in 1789 .
14 Frank McManus who had been MP at Westminster for Fermanagh and South Tyrone until February , 1974 had been selected earlier as a Unity candidate for the Convention elections but after a party meeting just before the close of nominations withdrew his name .
15 Both of these points of contention were symptomatic of the fundamental issue at stake for Washington , which was that it had lost control of events in Cuba and a client state which had been regarded virtually as a part of the American mainland had moved out of the US orbit .
16 Butler , in her retrospective account of the repeal campaign , insisted that the movement had been characterized less as ‘ the revolt of a sex ’ than by ‘ the depth and sincerity of the moral and religious convictions of the mass of the population ’ .
17 Will Slaughter had been employed formerly as a headsman .
18 When it was suggested that the upper skins had been forced off as a result of the inflation of the fixed tailplane by the pressurised air through the ruptured pressure dome escaping via the rear ( unpressurised ) part of the fuselage , I contended that it was necessary to have more reliable evidence than uncorroborated deduction before such a conclusion could be accepted .
19 Sad to say , the neighbourhood had been pulled down as ‘ a slum ’ in 1927 , a council action that had staggered the rest of Galway .
20 The windows which had been nailed up as an anti-escape measure were thick with steam , and water was pouring down the panes .
21 The ambiguously worded agreement effectively permitted the involuntary repatriation of Vietnamese " boat people " who had been screened out as " economic migrants " , by providing for the repatriation of those who " while not volunteering to return , are nevertheless not opposed to going back " and according to some officials thereby created a fresh category of " acquiescent non-volunteers " .
22 An area at the far end of the hall had been screened off as a waiting-room and now Bourne escorted Matthew between the double row of tables , most of them empty .
23 The cotton magnates had gone elsewhere and their villas had been taken over as government offices and army posts .
24 The original , unaltered version of the story had been used initially as a sample exercise in undergraduate stylistics tutorials .
25 The elections had been held early as a result of a crisis which had arisen following a scandal over school catering , leading in July to the resignation of the DC mayor , Pietro Giubilo .
26 The table had been laid out as a T , with Derek Jefferson at the head of the table , flanked by his production director and , as yet , an empty space on his right .
27 Somebody calculated that if the surface of the earth was covered with a layer of protein molecules a metre thick , right over the whole surface of the earth erm each one , each protein different from every other one , and let us suppose furthermore that each of these proteins had been changing once as second , uniquely , into some different kind ever since the formation of the earth , we would still have tried out only quite a small fraction of the available possible proteins a hundred amino acids long .
28 Provision of the means to wage an atrocious war had been agreed on as a sign of good faith .
29 The windows had been bricked up as part of the soundproofing .
30 A British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC ) television programme , Panorama , broadcast on Nov. 18 , suggested that Waite had been set up as a front man in the arms for hostages deal and helped gather intelligence on the whereabouts of the captors .
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