Example sentences of "had been [verb] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The deal had been struck by then LDP secretary-general Ichiro Ozawa in return for the support of the smaller parties in approving the Gulf package .
2 And she cried out as a cascade of fireworks seemed to explode deep within her , before their bodies , now moving in perfect unison , recaptured the fierce , tumultuous pleasure they had always shared in the past — the total consummation which she had been denied for so long .
3 Her voice was shaking as she told me that on returning from the cinema a couple of weeks earlier she had been grabbed from behind , dragged into an alley and viciously raped at knifepoint .
4 She was well aware that it would seem thoroughly feeble — if not downright pathetic — to refuse to accompany him to New York simply because they had been separated for almost five years .
5 ( 1977 ) found that those women who had been separated from either or both of their own parents in the context of a disrupted early family life interacted with their babies considerably less than the rest of the mothers .
6 The search for signs of God in nature had often been based on the assumption that the two books had been written in essentially the same language .
7 Maginnis had been listening to almost two hours of complaints about the police when a woman announced that she would clap her hands if she heard of an RUC constable 's death .
8 It was twenty-five minutes after Morse had left the scene that Lewis discovered the first , fat clue : a sheet of yellow A4 paper on which the details of the Historic Cities of England Tour had been originally itemised ; and on which the time of the final item that day had been crossed through boldly in blue Biro , with the entry now reading :
9 The conference being of a very high level , the participants had been limited to just eighteen very distinguished gentlemen and two ladies — a German countess and the formidable Mrs Eleanor Austin , at that time still resident in Berlin ; but each of these might reasonably bring secretaries , valets and interpreters , and there proved no way of ascertaining the precise number of such persons to expect .
10 The court was told Ninham had been convicted of indecently assaulting youngsters in 1990 and had been placed on probation medication to control his sex drive .
11 Those who joined her in France had their individual grievances against the court , and the bishops in their various ways either suffered financially at the hands of the king or had been prevented from properly exercising their episcopal authority .
12 Although SDPJ leader Takako Doi had wanted to field more candidates she had been prevented from so doing by pressure from sitting socialist members of the Diet .
13 Of course , the passages had been constructed with precisely this intention .
14 X-ray fibre diffraction data had been obtained for both the A and B forms of DNA by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins at King 's College , London , but they lacked the phase data necessary to solve the structure .
15 There are two provisos as follows : ( 1 ) execution will not issue against either property or persons without leave of the court where the proceedings have been brought against the firm by one of its members or by another firm having partners in common with the firm against which or against the partners of which execution is sought ; ( 2 ) execution will not issue against a partner if he is out of the jurisdiction at the date when the proceedings were commenced unless he has acknowledged service or was duly served within the jurisdiction as a partner or outside the jurisdiction after leave had been obtained to so serve him .
16 He guessed that Turakina had been engaged in yet another attempt to negotiate a match on his behalf , and wondered which family had been involved .
17 Although he had had a distinguished military record as a young man , he was sixty-two and had been engaged in predominantly civil duties for the previous twenty years .
18 It , too , sounded good but eighteen months later had been applied to only four favoured countries — Mexico , Venezuela , Costa Rica and the Philippines .
19 This time she had been sent for urgently because Nigel had taken a turn for the worse — in fact , had nearly died after his peritonitis operation .
20 The doctor had been sent for immediately she collapsed , but there was nothing he could do to save her .
21 And a team had been sent in as normal for initial investigation , only to retreat almost immediately when their equipment had registered the fact that this was a Secondary Darkfall .
22 as if whatever he had done had cut him off from the mercy he had been seeking for so long .
23 ( Bronislaw Geremek of the Democratic Union , whom he had asked on Nov. 8 , had admitted failure on Nov. 13 , and Walesa had been seeking since then to find another alternative to Olszewski — see p. 38586 — reportedly preferring the reappointment of Bielecki . )
24 The Congress was told that journalists had been registered in only fifty of ninety guberniia committees .
25 Most of the sample group ( 82 per cent ) had been using for over two years before they first sought treatment .
26 HP CEO John Young told a meeting of analysts last week that HP had been looking at both the USL and OSF kernels , but had no plans in place to license USL technology .
27 It was a house about two along from the one he had been looking at previously .
28 He turned sharply from the french window and the view he had been looking at so intently .
29 Peter Wickins had been stabbed at least four times in the chest .
30 Simon Hayday , who 's in his early twenties , had been stabbed at least six times .
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