Example sentences of "had been [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There had been certain problems with the agency concerned due to political pressure .
2 There had been 169 executions in US states since the death penalty was restored by the Supreme Court in 1976 , most of them in conservative Southern states , but on April 6 Arizona had carried out its first execution for 29 years , while in March the first execution in Delaware since 1946 had been implemented .
3 For goods , there had been tariff-free trade in manufactures since 1972 , but non-tariff barriers would now be removed .
4 He had been discharged but a year later there had been little change in his weight .
5 The party managers continued to bewail the organizational weakness of Coalition Liberalism , but there had been little opportunity for organizational collaboration ; one of the few joint ventures , a magazine called Popular View , was abandoned in 1921 because of the impossibility of producing a lively magazine out of continuous compromise .
6 There was an emphasis on the generation of female employment as well as on the general need for diversification but there had been little development by the outbreak of war .
7 There had been little damage to Galilee or Rashidiyeh in the exchange of fire but , not far from the entrance to the Palestinian camp , I was briefly introduced to a man who was described as the ‘ leader of joint PLO forces in Rashidiyeh .
8 In August 1989 William J. Bennett , the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy , had called for the government " aggressively [ to ] implement " random testing of federal workers , but by January 1990 there had been little increase in the numbers tested due to litigation .
9 Britain had exercised tight control over the entry of aliens for as long as anyone could remember and , anyway , there had been little contact between Germany and Britain for at least nine months .
10 There had been little sign of such popular sentiment at the time of the earlier enclosure — the attitude of John Rous can not be matched elsewhere .
11 There had been little enthusiasm for the renewal of war in Scotland in 1332 , and apart from his victory at Halidon Hill Edward had scarcely distinguished himself on his Scottish campaigns .
12 There had been little luxury in their lives in contrast to Spiro 's second family , who enjoyed the best of everything .
13 There had been little birdsong in the devastated places I had come from and I think it was the striking on my ear of the calling of a blackbird , so meaningful somehow as it sounded out clearly from the delicious chatter in those trees that made me feel the war was over .
14 Before this , it was realized that quality had an impact on the bottom line , but there had been little analysis of its effects .
15 When government stock issues had been taken up predominantly by the triad , there had been little need for anything much in the way of a " market " ; but the change in the structure of debt ownership led inevitably to the emergence of broking and jobbing practices which were to become institutionalised into the Stock Exchange .
16 As recent as a year ago there had been little confidence about the future for sheep with lambs selling poorly , farmers wondering whether it was worth spending money on good rams or even worth tupping their ewes .
17 There had been little dispute about anything else Thorfinn had wanted to do since the day he was told of the fighting in Lothian .
18 And the Princess Joanna 's marriage to David Stewart was to be declared null and void , since both had been mere infants at its celebration , and the princess free to marry whomsoever her royal brother selected , Balliol himself being glad and privileged to wed her if this was his Lord Edward 's will and choice .
19 There had been genuine fear on some of those people 's faces when she had mentioned Martin 's name , a fear she could appreciate after what had happened to her last night , but it had n't shaken her determination to get to the bottom of the story .
20 Because of the arrow attack there had been uniformed patrols on the Barton estate … but they 'd been withdrawn before the chanting mob attacked
21 Silence fell as Creggan and the other eagles that had been listening thought about what Minch had told them .
22 Given that our Association had been 75 years outside the wider Trade Union Movement , our Delegates were concerned at what type of reception they might receive from the Conference .
23 Preston 's Auntie Ethel and William 's mother , Elaine , had been best friends at school , which was why Preston had been detailed as William 's Minder — another one of Auntie Ethel 's great ideas , like the newspaper that could defend you against muggers .
24 The Supreme Court on March 4 formally recognized that 61 workers sentenced in December 1987 for their role in the Brasov riots had been political prisoners of the former Communist regime .
25 There was , however , this to be said : there had been political involvement under Miall in the 1840s but this had been to achieve a narrow , sectarian goal — disestablishment .
26 That was not impossible , for there had been six months between the X-rays , in which case The tumour could have already been on the way down when it was spotted .
27 Moreover , there had been six votes against the resolution and thirteen abstentions .
28 During the two years of the Broadway production , there had been frequent changes of cast , but backstage staff at the Prince of Wales Theatre talked of a growing gap in the working relationship between Crawford and Cuka , and the management eventually admitted there had been a ‘ personality conflict ’ .
29 Sir Anthony goes on : ‘ The information I have been given by the joint liquidators of BCGM [ the British fund ] and BCI [ in Gibraltar ] indicates that in the period up to December 1984 there had been frequent movements of money or securities between the United Kingdom funds and the Jersey funds and , most important of all , that at December 1984 the gilt-edged securities and cash held for the Jersey funds were at least some £3.65 million less than the funds ’ obligations to investors .
30 Before I had been lifeless jumble of miscellaneous body parts but now I was Frankenstein 's monster , shocked by lust into coherence and action .
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