Example sentences of "had never see the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nigel had never seen the film and , as it was shown rather late , we had recorded it and intended to watch it that afternoon .
2 He paused in the doorway , because it was rare to see the High Queen without at least a dozen courtiers ; certainly he had never seen the Sun Chamber like this , bathed in the glow from the dying day , alive with the strong , pure magic of the Purple Hour , the huge crystal windows that looked out over all Ireland ablaze with light .
3 She was a strange , skinny woman always dressed in dark clothes , and her face looked as if it had never seen the sun .
4 ‘ The Black fellows of the Upper Hunter told me ’ , wrote Gould in a letter to E. P. Ramsay in Sydney in 1866 , ‘ that the little Melopsittacus undulatus had come to meet me , for they had never seen the bird in that district until the year I arrived . ’
5 She felt intensely sorry for poor Brian , living as he did with anxiety and insecurity , and had never seen the necessity of channelling any of her pity back into her own parched reserves .
6 He had never seen the interior of a church before .
7 I mean , I remember mother saying that , you see mother had never seen the sea till she joined the Guild and they decided to save for an outing , and then the next thing I can remember was that we used to have these stamps every week and I think it come to two and ninepence erm and for that we went to Rhyl .
8 They yeah we used to call in Tex and he , he could n't believe that there were old people living in Walsall at the time in this country the size of England , and people living in Walsall that had never seen the sea in their lives , and this guy coming from America could n't believe this .
9 I had never seen the church so effortlessly packed .
10 As far as she could remember , she had never seen the man before , he was no friend of Faith 's .
11 Mait had never seen the man before , but it was obvious that since no one other than himself had used the device since he had built it , this must be the man in question .
12 Fred was convinced he had never seen the man before .
13 A long and somewhat rambling discussion followed during which the judge effectively tried to persuade the barrister that he must get up before the jury in order to say , ‘ in terms that the remark that you made was a remark which should not have been made and apologise , and you can say in terms that one of the reasons why it was a remark which should not have been made was that you had never seen the document ; you did not know what it contained . ’
14 Held , allowing the appeal , there was an important distinction to be made between cases where the complainant claimed to recognise the assailant as a person he already knew well and those where the complainant had never seen the assailant before .
15 She had never seen the time machine looking so ordinary .
16 Before the 1988 Act , anyone copying a design would infringe the copyright in a drawing made for the design even though that person had never seen the drawing , because making a three-dimensional copy of a two-dimensional work infringed the copyright in the latter and vice versa .
17 In complete contrast to Laura , Bernard had never seen the need to control his temper .
18 When questioned , Mr Bence said he had never seen the trophy cabinet in his life , and was at a loss to explain how it came to be in the director 's Portakabin .
19 And she had never seen the jeep travel so quickly .
20 He had never seen the like of it .
21 Phyllis had never seen the check-out girl before .
22 Sharpe had fought the French for over twenty years , yet he had never seen the Emperor and , all unbidden , a sudden and childish image of a man with cloven tail , sharp horns and demonic fangs stalked Sharpe 's fears that were made worse by the Emperor 's real reputation as a soldier of genius whose presence on a battlefield was worth a whole corps of men .
23 Betty had never seen the baby , blamed herself for its death , and was still grieving .
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