Example sentences of "had work for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many had to work for a year under the threat of the axe and even those who survived continue to live in a climate of insecurity , not knowing when the next rationalisation programme is likely to be introduced .
2 So although his neighbours opposite occupied houses with gardens , his side of the street had to work for a living : he would have been used to seeing the flame fanned by the bellows of the blacksmith , the steam rising from the sweating horses in the carrier , s stables , and — we may hope — a line of customers waiting to be served in his little shop .
3 The working-class wives of early eighteenth-century London earned from charring , laundry , nursing , making and mending clothes , hawking , silk-winding and in the catering and victualling services : The great majority of women were unable to work in male trades and , since nearly three quarters of women wanted to or had to work for a living , they necessarily competed intensely for the work which was left , much of it of a casual nature and none of it organised by gilds and livery companies .
4 He had worked for a year in the Ukraine and said he liked the people there more than those he had met in the West - they were more open and friendly .
5 But your difficulty , surely , is that even if sanctions had worked for a year or even two years , you would still be left with that formidable monster of a regime …
6 Members of the Doyle family had worked for a company operating a fleet of ice-cream vans in the city .
7 Members of the Doyle family had worked for a company operating a fleet of ice-cream vans in the city .
8 Members of the Doyle family had worked for a company operating a fleet of ice-cream vans in the city .
9 It was true that there were now ‘ whole chanceries ’ of paperwork in the offices of village-Soviet secretaries , but most of the secretaries had worked for the volost' in the Tsarist regime and were somewhat suspect .
10 He was in fact an employee rather than an independent agent and had worked for the defendants for 17 years .
11 The issue had already had a major impact during the election campaign , when Wolfgang Schnur , a human rights lawyer in Rostock and the leader of Democratic Awakening , resigned his post on March 14 after admitting that he had worked for the Stasi .
12 When allegations that Schnur had worked for the Stasi for at least 20 years were first made on March 9 his denials were supported up by the West German government which said that he had on the contrary been passing information on political repression in East Germany to them .
13 On Dec. 10 the magazine Der Spiegel , pursuing allegations that former East German Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière had worked for the Stasi secret police , cited a Stasi index card showing someone named " Czerny " living at de Maizière 's Berlin address .
14 Lawrie had worked for the organisation for four years but had not been offered an interview , he claimed .
15 Cracks were revealed in some French-manufactured pressure vessels and other parts for PWRs in 1979 and their dangers were publicized by an engineer , Shoja Etemad , who had worked for the company Framatome .
16 Whilst remembering the old days I was surprised to hear that ran in the family as his wife 's father had worked for the Company at the turn of the century .
17 He confirmed that Mark Newall had worked for the bank in France , London , Jersey and New York .
18 The likeliest explanation seemed to be that , in the autumn of 1986 , Control had indicated to the DEA that Coleman had worked for the DIA in the past but , as he was no longer active , the agency had no objection to his taking up a consultant 's job with Hurley on Cyprus .
19 He was flown to America and during his debriefing exposed two Russian spies , Edward Howard , who worked for the CIA , and Ronald Pelton , who had worked for the NSA .
20 She had worked for the Underground movement , involved in forging passports and papers for people trying to escape across the Channel ; had been discovered but saved from death by a German , who had raped her and kept her as his own prisoner .
21 It worked rather well , and I made far more by doing that than I ever had working for the paper shop .
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