Example sentences of "had work [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We had to work with the gallery festooned in paper . ’
2 As the band 's agent in this case , I had to work with the record company to circumvent the rigid Radio I Top 40 format .
3 Yeah , folk here just never been out since New Year , then she had to work at the hospital Tuesday , well Bradley said if you do n't feel fit enough phone up and we 'll send a nurse to you I said you 're bloody mental , you ask for everything you get , I said instead of phoning the nurse in , ah but I think Alison told me they both need a good , good bloody feed they do
4 You presumably had to work on the orchestra section by section .
5 The next few gybes were the first I had ever done with speed all the way through the turn , in fact , it happened so quickly that I could n't change the rig fast enough — so then I had to work on the rig change .
6 One had to work on the opposition 's weaknesses .
7 We often had to work through the night to get the stage ready in time , but it was exciting to be in one of the Queen 's palaces at Christmas .
8 Peasants were enticed away from subsistence agriculture because of the potential profits and , in order to buy the necessary equipment and fertilisers and to sell the final produce , they had to work through the market .
9 The Land Commission had to work within the framework of the planning system .
10 He had to work in the knowledge that he could be reported to the Inquisition at any time , when his writings would become the subject of serious scrutiny .
11 Before they gave me a bike I had to earn it , I had to work in the garden .
12 He inspected the damage to his mouth again , wincing as he saw just how much destruction Julie had wrought with the hammer .
13 Police , firemen and council workers had worked through the night to restore the scene of the atrocity , and fresh paving stones had already been placed over the gaping holes left by the blasts .
14 He had worked at the idea with all the intensity of youth , and now it was about to bear fruit .
15 During the summer breaks from university , he had worked at the sausage factory where his father was manager .
16 Filmmakers were rarely imported from outside ( Thorold Dickinson , who was allowed in to make Secret People in 1952 , could be regarded as an ‘ old boy ’ since he had worked at the studio during Basil Dean 's time ) and , with five directors responsible for two-thirds of the films made at the studio between 1942 and 1955 , there was little competition inside the studio , and no exposure to fresh ideas from outside .
17 She had been a member of the bank 's board of management since November 1991 and had worked at the bank for 30 years .
18 For thousands of years the ocean had worked at the chalk cliffs and eventually brought down these trees , and because the place was so isolated and difficult to reach , the branches had escaped use as firewood .
19 His marriage to Ann , a social worker with the deaf in her own right and a sign language interpreter who had worked with the BDA in the past and would continue to do so , strengthened Verney 's qualifications for his new task .
20 Don Roberto had worked with the Colonel and had acted as cut-out between him and the CIA on the operations which Trent had undertaken on the Americans ' behalf .
21 Much of the old Korean élite had worked with the Japanese for the material rewards and defence of their interests ; the police force was the most hated feature of the colonial era and the vengeance taken on police guilty of torture , extortion and corruption was savage .
22 She had linked the numbers chalked on the floor to the sequence we had worked on the day before .
23 I told them how I had worked on the problem and now one of them had ruined my theory !
24 Makowka , as it happened , had worked on the Finding , but he and North were strangers to each other ; he was amazed that ‘ he would be mentioning something as sensitive as that in this sort of context ’ .
25 At the end of the lesson I explained how Fibonacci had worked on the rabbit problem , and that we would look at this in the next lesson .
26 Fuchs had worked on the atom bomb project at Los Alamos .
27 Amongst the most important of these carefully plotted works are : de Falla 's The Three-Cornered Hat ( 1919 ) which originally accompanied a mime play and so fascinated Diaghilev that he commissioned the composer to enlarge it for Massine 's ballet ( see page 59 ) ; Vaughan William 's Job , commissioned by Diaghilev , was unused until de Valois created her important ‘ Masque for Dancing ’ ( 1931 ) ( this marked the inaugural performance of what has become The Royal Ballet ) ; Arthur Bliss ' Checkmate ( 1937 ) was choreographed by de Valois after both composer and choreographer had worked on the plot ; Prokofiev 's Romeo and Juliet was composed with the help of a Shakespearean theatre expert and has been used notably by Lavrovsky , Ashton and MacMillan ( see page 26 ) ; and Ashton provided a roughly outlined plot for Hans Werner Henze 's score for Ondine ( 1958 ) .
28 This led the group to recall , towards the end of the meeting , how they , too , had got nowhere with work-refusing children while they constantly demanded better work from them ( thus identifying with Mr E as having known failure instead of contrasting their own better results with his , as they had done earlier ) but how they had been able to help them when they had worked on the relationship .
29 He was an elderly man who had worked on the river all his life and regarded his present job as something of a rest on the way to full retirement .
30 Nithard puts them in 839 : Charles 's mother , and the magnates who had worked on the will of his father to promote Charles 's cause , fearing that if Louis were to die before matters were settled , they would risk incurring the hatred of Charles 's brothers to their own ruin , advised that the father should choose one of those sons to be his helper so that , even if the others refused to remain at peace after their father 's death , these two at least would have been so firmly united that they would be able to withstand the hostility of their rivals .
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