Example sentences of "had also [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 He had done a reasonable amount of pilot work , firing for some of the older shunt link drivers and had also fired on the local ‘ pick-up ’ , but this at last was the real thing .
2 Sheep-shearers and stock-keepers had also descended on the plains to take advantage of the excellent grazing , and provided Gould with company from time to time on his journey .
3 Marshall 's departure provided President George Bush with the opportunity to make his second nomination to the nine-member court , the president having appointed David Souter in July 1990 to replace another staunch liberal , William Brennan , who had also retired on the grounds of age and ill-health [ see p. 37604 ] .
4 In 1804 Currie had also written on the relationships between health and environment in Liverpool .
5 On June 20 President Venkataraman had directed Rao to test his government 's strength in the Lok Sabha within 30 days , a requirement he had also placed on the two previous minority governments .
6 Yeltsin had also called on the USA to replace its " Star Wars " space-based anti-missile programme with a " global system of defence " based on co-operation with Russia — an idea which Bush afterwards described as " worth discussing in more detail " .
7 A Council member , well-known for his role as chairman of the Institute 's Information Technology Group , Mr Oakley had also served on the 1985 Davison Working Party on Fraud .
8 The BJP leader , L. K. Advani , had also embarked on the march and his arrest in late October provoked his party to withdraw its support from Singh 's government [ see p. 37774 ] .
9 Wilson disclosed the split into equally balanced factions when he said that two further members had also resigned on the grounds that a weakened Commission could no longer usefully continue .
10 The solicitor acting for the College sought to argue that the Rybak case did not help Mr Sen as he had also acted on the advice of a solicitor .
11 This was a pity , since Hitchcock had the assistance of no less than Hein Heckroth as production designer and fellow-cockney expatriate Albert Whitlock ( who had also worked on The Birds and Marnie ) to do the matte paintings — he created most of the art gallery that figures in one sequence as a meeting place .
12 However , in the absence of much evidence for the quality of tessellation at Withington ( some fragments of mosaic D are preserved in the British Museum ) , significant stylistic affinities still indicate that one or two craftsmen working here had also worked on the Barton Farm and Woodchester mosaics , i.e. suggesting an integral relationship .
13 This cinema had also capitalised on the psycho-acoustic phenomenon prevalent in rock music of suggesting heightened intensity with ‘ fuzz ’ : the speaker cone had plainly blown , rendering all dialogue and music as if through comb and paper .
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