Example sentences of "had give [det] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 This I had noticed , but had given little thought to .
2 This ‘ literary ’ slant to the drama 's content is an important contrast with all previous pioneers , most of whom had given little attention to content .
3 Most had given little attention to the assessment and care management of people with problem drug or alcohol use ’ .
4 As we have seen , during the years from about 1080 to 1095 , Anselm had given much thought to the problem of liberty , and had reached a definition of free will which left no room for that freedom of choice which is commonly regarded as its essential feature .
5 White and anxious , she said : Yes , she had given that bag to her daughter , and it had contained such chocolates .
6 The attitude of the Bench to past proposals for the reform of the criminal law did not suggest that their judgment in such a matter was reliable , and those Government supporters in Parliament who had given most study to the matter were unanimously in favour of abolition .
7 It appeared that The Smiths thought they had given enough exposure to James and that Factory were now taking advantage of the situation .
8 Much of the ILP 's important critique of Gold Standard policies in the 1920s was heavily influenced by Kitson , who had given several lectures to the organization .
9 The words , spoken casually , had given another shake to the kaleidoscope , entirely altering the pattern her mind had grown used to .
10 In 1990 Jesse Helms defeated a black opponent in a Senate race in North Carolina after running television commercials showing imaginary whites being rejected for jobs because affirmative action had given those jobs to blacks .
11 In an address to the Pakistani National Assembly and Senate in December 1985 President Zia formally denied that his country had given any bases to the United States .
12 But she had to give some thought to him , too .
13 Finally , even Time magazine had to give some credence to the arrival of this remarkable undercurrent in the motivation of young people , but preferred to blame London influences rather than American .
14 While the TMI accident would not have progressed to the stage it did had it not been for human error , it highlighted the fact that reactor designers and operators had to give more attention to the reliability of the system and its components , and their interaction under accident conditions .
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