Example sentences of "had see in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 More images whirled through Loretta 's head — the figure she had seen in the bed , a body being dragged to the door , herself in handcuffs waiting to board the ferry .
2 One of the nurses she had seen in the cloakroom was standing in the middle of the corridor , flushed pink and grinning like an idiot , while That Man lounged on one leg in all his taut leather and chatted her up .
3 Eventually they approached the figure Endill had seen in the distance .
4 from the back seat the voice of the colonel I had seen in the subway said , ‘ Wo n't you get in , English ? ’
5 Saad 's family rushed to try and have their revenge on the witness who had announced the news like someone possessed , and who cared less about Saad 's death than about convincing the whole community of what he had seen in the hut that burning noonday .
6 It reminded him of the zombies he had seen in the horror film at the Empire .
7 They crashed through their set as if they were in a competition to see who could get through the most songs in the shortest time , sounding like an unrehearsed version of the group Charlie and I had seen in the Nashville .
8 He explained away the list of things that Waddell had seen in the Ross 's house as having been published at the trial or in the newspapers , which was not the case .
9 Albert Speer , the ambitious , calculating , and rational power technician who had climbed to the top of the ladder , and who distanced himself most clearly from Hitler at Nuremberg and in his memoirs , admitted that he had seen in the Führer something approaching ‘ a hero of an ancient saga ’ and , after the victory in France , as ‘ one of the greatest figures in German history ’ .
10 There was a huge plate of mince pies , golden brown and dusted with sugar , a tall jug of milk , a pink ham , and slices of bread thickly spread with the lovely , pale , sweaty butter Carrie had seen in the dairy .
11 I understood what I had seen in the dream when I learned the words " gaberdine " and " mahogany " ; and I was born in the year of the New Look , understood by 1951 and the birth of my sister , that dresses needing twenty yards for a skirt were items as expensive as children — more expensive really , because after 1948 babies came relatively cheap , on tides of free milk and orange juice , but good cloth in any quantity was hard to find for a very long time .
12 The situation was confused for him by the fact that many of the people he had seen in the church of Gesù Nuovo , the ones who had come to pray and adore , were dressed in rags .
13 Not only that : his was the round , jolly face he had seen in the window the day he had been hit on the head outside the room where he had been watching the Occultation of the Twenty-fourth Imam of the Wimbledon Dharjees .
14 It carried the same headline as the one Mungo had seen in the train : ‘ BIRD 'S HEAD CLUE TO GIRL 'S DEATH .
15 It was the policewoman she had seen in the police station .
16 We would spend the afternoon re-enacting in the parking lot behind the apartment what we had seen in the morning on the screen .
17 Although still on the top floor , they now had lifts , or rather elevators , to take them up and once inside the dressing-room each Girl had her own mirror well lit by bulbs surrounding three sides just as they had seen in the films .
18 Gedanken suddenly remembered the roll of rubber sheeting — the one she had seen in the corner of the laboratory .
19 The box was always somewhere on the floor by his bed , and was tied up with a bow , as if it was a precious parcel or a gift intended for a special person ; the bow was tied from a length of scarlet nylon ribbon which Boy had seen in the dustbin outside a florist 's , and had stolen , and taken home and ironed , having sensed at once that its splendid colour made it suitable for the tying up of this very special box .
20 He sighed heavily , and Belinda was about to ask what was wrong — after all , they were still friends , in spite of what she had seen in the garden tonight , and her revelation of feeling should n't dictate this new reticence — when he spoke at last .
21 A tall thin guy I had seen in the house before crawled on all fours in front of the television to get at Nicola 's joint .
22 She included in her discontent each miscarriage of her own generosity , but nothing was so bad as what she had seen in the farmyard .
23 Tromsø had no more snow than we had seen in the autumn , but it was colder .
24 Mostly they were second-rate copies of the kind of American bar-room R&B bands the members of these pub bands had seen in the days when they had a bit more going for them and had actually made it to the States one time in the late sixties or early seventies .
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