Example sentences of "had be with [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She named the same two hand-maids who had been with me on my first visit .
2 In early January 1988 about a dozen friends and colleagues , the same people who had been with me on the day John was kidnapped , met at my flat .
3 Today , too ; how I wished you had been with me at the concert .
4 He said , ‘ I had been with her for three years , in love .
5 Rose Mundy told me of her continual battle with overweight thighs , a problem that had been with her for as long as she could remember .
6 Lord Archer and Lord Healey , both in Santa Claus outfits , had been with her at an event in honour of Headway , the National Head Injuries Association .
7 The old man had been with her in the shop that morning , the same as ever , gossiping about the business , about the vagaries of their customers , the oddities of town councillors and the perverseness of families — all with a humour that was wickedly spiced .
8 Joan was ushered into the king 's private chamber by a manservant who had been with him since infancy .
9 The same woman who had been with him on Saturday .
10 Some had been with him on that night .
11 Ah , said Mr Healey , Enoch had been with him at that seminar in Florence he 'd mentioned .
12 Macmillan then flew back to Treviso to drop off the various Eighth Army officers who had been with him at the conference , had " a short chat " with Gen McCreery , and returned with Philip Broad to Caserta .
13 The interviewer , who should have kept her mouth shut , interrupted to ask whether or not Hyacinth had been with him at the Young Conservatives ' Ball .
14 He had a house in Gloucestershire and another at Kensington Palace , and staff who had been with him for years , accustomed to his simple and masculine lifestyle and accustomed to ruling it .
15 To them he gave detailed care now as always : most had been with him for many years .
16 She was almost the same age as Julius , and had been with him for over ten years .
17 Atkins and the other man who had been with him during the doorstep confrontation on Boxing Night were waiting .
18 Burton wrote , with typical flaring generosity ( like his fellow Welshman , Henry VII , he never forgot those who had been with him around the campfire when the crown was hardly even a dream in unreal England ) :
19 Prized most of all was the collection of classical poetry — from John Donne to Robert Browning — which enhanced the Hebraic and Yiddish verse that had been with him from the first .
20 In Tolkien , by huge contrast , he met a man whose style had been with him from the beginning .
21 Whitaker had been with him from the very start , a solid , dependable man who knew his own limitations .
22 In the end of American officers were rescued by the intervention of one of Khomeini closest associates , Ibrahim Yazdi , who had been with him in exile and who became foreign minister .
23 In a postscript Dr. Yeats reported that he had subsequently seen both Dr. Thackeray and Mr. Leech who had been together since he had been with them on the previous day .
24 During cross examination Bobu , Dinca and Postelnicu at times wept openly , Bobu in particular confessing to " contemptible " conduct as the most senior member of the RCP leadership after Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu ( he had been with them during the first stage of their attempted escape on Dec. 22 , by helicopter from the central committee building in Bucharest , as had Manescu , who was a former Vice-President and Nicolae Ceausescu 's brother-in-law ) .
25 Vaguely she wondered why the daily woman who had been with them for years had not put in an appearance before now , and listened in vain for the cheerful clatter of tea-cups in the passage outside .
26 He had been with them for some time ; two or three years before , he had told her that he did n't know where he had been born , or who his parents were .
27 And I remember to this day , though I was so small , that mother was very angry with me , for unclothing myself before the servant , who was a very nice girl who had been with us for a long time .
28 One evening , when Sorrel had been with us for about five years , Sally and I got ready to take her for her usual walk .
29 ‘ It is not very much , ’ concedes Anna Perry , ‘ which makes me wonder why so many of these porters had been with us for so long .
30 Leslie had a very good lot of men in his section , some of them had been with us for a long time .
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