Example sentences of "had be given [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Court ruled on April 24 that the government was entitled to dismiss up to 600,000 former East German civil servants who at the time of unification had been given temporary contracts rather than being made redundant .
2 He had been given curious looks by the person who gave him the directions which show that he was a stranger as he was not recognised .
3 Mr Redmond had been looking after the woodyard where he worked while his employer was on a cruise to restore his health , and Sarah told Anne that her father had been given fifty pounds as a mark of appreciation when his employer returned .
4 They had been given separate rooms , of course , but liked to gas late into the night , and dress together , and compare clothes and hair and notes .
5 He reminded the House that the police had been given forty-eight hours notification of the proposed route : ‘ Honourable members on this side of the House who in this respect are charging him [ Paisley ] with gross civic and social irresponsibility must also charge the police with exactly the same thing . ’
6 But whatever satisfaction Scott may have gained from the debate and the fact that he had been given six months to prepare a new design , it must have soon been dispelled by the public press and the action of some of his professional colleagues .
7 His action was popularly resented as a poor show of gratitude for the benefit he had been given two years before .
8 Another , a regular visitor to the Undercroft , presented a model of the King of Siam 's Royal barge , which she had been given 40 years ago , after service in our Bangkok Embassy .
9 For subjects in an ‘ acquired distinctiveness ’ group , the two stimuli had been given different labels in pre-training ; for those in the ‘ acquired equivalence ’ group the two stimuli used were those that had been given the same label .
10 The court thus upheld a claim by three men who had been given discretionary sentences for various sex offences .
11 ‘ If the prints were undated or if they had been given younger dates most experts would probably accept them as have made by Homo , ’ said Russell Tuttle from the University of Chicago who has recently analysed casts of the footprints at the invitation of Mary Leakey .
12 Today , the Foreign Office said that the Court in Nepal , which originally ordered their detention , had been given 3 days to either release the men , or to start trial proceedings .
13 Studies will try to establish if the infected cow had been given English cattle feed from ground up ruminant carcasses — banned in Britain in 1988 and in France in 1989 .
14 His assailants next told him that they had been given three pounds each ‘ to do you up tonight ’ by the ‘ drug squad ’ detective with whom he was already unpleasantly familiar .
15 Kisekka , who was appointed Vice-President , was in his mid-70s and reported to be in poor health ; in February 1988 he had been given three deputies to ease his workload .
16 The two were now inside the grille together and Mena Iskander had been given strict instructions to try to secure Miss Postlethwaite a seat from which she could see Zoser clearly and if possible his wife as well .
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