Example sentences of "had be [vb pp] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lord Cousfield said that although McLaren had been cleared of the most serious charge , the court always regarded the criminal use of firearms as a serious matter
2 The older houses had been built of a homely and native brown stock brick , and the farm buildings largely of wood .
3 The two men , Ivan Morgan and Earl Pratt , had been convicted of a political murder committed in October 1977 .
4 The amnesty , which excluded anyone who had been convicted of a criminal offence , including that of " subversion " , was greeted coolly by government opponents .
5 In Reg. v. Miles ( 1890 ) 24 Q.B.D. 423 it was held that a person who had been convicted of an assault by a court of summary jurisdiction , but had been discharged , without any sentence of fine or imprisonment , on giving security to be of good behaviour , could not afterwards be convicted on an indictment for the same assault .
6 When somebody had been convicted of the offence , or no other offences had been committed for some time , the names were removed from the police station notice board — the police needed the space there — and put in a file or destroyed .
7 In 1985 , four soldiers had been convicted of the murder .
8 Members of this battalion had been convicted of the November 1989 murder of six Jesuit priests and of their housekeeper and her daughter [ see pp. 37037-38 ; 37181 ; 38716 ] .
9 Striker Jim Gardiner , who had been foiled of an opener in the 13th minute deflected for a corner by defender Ken Cairns , got well on target at his second clear attempt .
10 Relations between them had deteriorated sharply in previous days , with the ANC alleging a plot to wipe out its leadership , and Buthelezi stating that he had been warned of an ANC plot to kidnap and kill his two children .
11 Residents had been warned of an explosion , he claimed , but had " acted like children " and failed to obey instructions given to them .
12 The defendant occupiers were held not liable , as they could assume that sweeps would be aware of this particular danger and also because the sweeps had been warned of the danger .
13 ‘ not for the purpose of repining that they had been deprived of the important blessings of hearing and speech , but to manifest their love and gratitude to God for all those other things He permitted them to enjoy . ’
14 The people did so , and the Archbishop of Canterbury then addressed the assembly on the theme ‘ the voice of the people is the voice of God ’ , saying that by the unanimous consent of all the magnates Edward had been deprived of the government of his kingdom because of his inadequacy and his offences against Church and kingdom .
15 Controlling the bureaucracy poses problems for all presidents and Ford was undeniably correct in arguing that presidents had been deprived of the sort of ‘ clout ’ they once had in matters of national security .
16 The Collector 's face had assumed an alert expression , for the Padre was now addressing the godparents ; but his still wandering mind was harrowed by the thought of the gentle , pious Mr Bradley of the Post Office department who , only the day before , had been deprived of the evening of his life , and the afternoon as well , come to that .
17 Bevin remembered the mistakes of the years after 1918 when , he felt , the returning soldiers had been cheated of the social and economic reforms they had a right to expect .
18 It was immediately clear , as Max had said , that there had earlier been much blood ; soon clear , too , that the body was that of a comparatively young man ; the body of the man whom Morse had interviewed ( with such distaste ) the previous evening ; the man who had been cheated of the Wolvercote Jewel — and the man who now had been cheated of life .
19 Gqozo said he had been forewarned of a coup plot , and the two conspirators were stopped by a police road block as they attempted to enter the capital , Bisho , from the direction of Transkei .
20 Yet she had timed her appearance so exactly that it seemed as if she had been forewarned of the train 's arrival .
21 The Madrid newspaper El País of Feb. 17 reported that evidence had been uncovered of a 1985 plot by army officers to murder the king and overthrow the elected government .
22 No warning , of course , had been given of the shelling from the ‘ Big Berthas ’ and the public feared that an advance on Paris would soon follow .
23 His village was at the upper end of the valley in which the woman of Lohali had been killed the previous week , and he told me that nothing had been heard of the man-eater since , and added that the animal was possibly now at the other end of the district .
24 If the ships had been made of a material like glass they would have broken long before a crack became conspicuous .
25 The report stated that a study had been made of an incinerator at Bonnybridge in Scotland that suggested an increased level of twinning in cattle , and possibly in humans , that may have been linked with the emission of PCHs and other substances from the plant .
26 As he plundered her mouth Jenna was faintly aware that there was very little anger left in him ; this was complete sensuality , no doubt because he had been robbed of an evening with Claudine in his arms .
27 Like many other such deities Tammuz , for example , the god of ancient Sumerian and Phoenician mystery teachings , had been born of a virgin , died with a wound in his side and , after three days , rose from his tomb , leaving it vacant with the rock at the entrance rolled aside .
28 It had been born of an instinctive recognition of the damage he could do to her emotional independence and , paradoxically , exacerbated by the way he had deprived her of himself by having her dismissed from that job ; finally there had been his open contempt when they had met again …
29 United States Secretary of State James Baker had been notified of the appointment while in Moscow on March 14-16 for talks with Gorbachev and Bessmertnykh , and it had been formally approved by the US administration on March 18 .
30 He had known of the death of Oleg Demyonov , he had been told of the Soviet retaliation , he had been informed of the visit by the Consul to Lefortovo gaol .
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