Example sentences of "had be [vb pp] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Construction work had been halted a week earlier in line with EC demands .
2 Neither had practised archery before becoming immobile ; one of them had been taught the art at Pinderfields Hospital at Wakefield and had gone on to become captain of his club .
3 He had been trained at the Douai seminary and had been taught the art not only of argument but also of secrecy .
4 We had been taught the history of the organisation , and each day were learning more about its curious codes of morality and behaviour .
5 ‘ Father wanted someone to inherit who knew Venice and had been taught the business , someone who 'd been trained to the position . ’
6 French maintained that he thought that the safety catch was on and that he had been struck a blow on the back of the head which had caused him to stagger and pull the trigger .
7 Also on March 25 parties of the so-called " pro-democracy " alliance ( New Aspirations Party , Palang Dharma , Ekkaparb and the Democrats ) held a joint press conference and called into question the credibility of Narong as Prime Minister , in the light of a recent US State Department allegation that he had been denied a visa in mid-1991 because of his suspected ties with drug trafficking .
8 Judge Gerhard A. Gesell ruled that Hopkins , who had been denied a partnership in 1982 because her colleagues considered her to be too " macho " , had been the victim of illegal " sex stereotyping " .
9 She had been denied the company of males during her early life and now found it difficult to talk to members of the opposite sex .
10 The allegation of negligence was that the defendant had failed to observe a foetal abnormality during pregnancy and the plaintiff had been denied the possibility of an abortion .
11 Allison was among many who were convinced that the Welshman had been denied the 60metres hurdles crown because the race starter , Toronto property manager Ron Bell , had let local hero Mark McKoy get away with a ‘ flyer ’ .
12 When the court reconvened , it was told that a key prosecution witness , Gabriel Mekgwe , had been kidnapped the night before , forcing a further adjournment .
13 The Court of Appeal detected " underlying transactions of a solicitorial nature " and determined that on the expert evidence ( inter alia from a former President of the Law Society ) which had been presented the undertakings given were such as might come within the usual course of a solicitor 's business .
14 It had been raised a year earlier at a residential conference for Wirral secondary heads with the sugestion that schools should attempt accreditation under BS 5750 .
15 Once enough money had been raised the bells were taken to the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London — where one of them was originally cast .
16 He told her that when Ted Heath was Prime Minister , Mrs Sarah Morrison had been appointed a vice-chairman of the party with a brief to turn Ted into a human being .
17 A warrant for Honecker 's arrest to face manslaughter charges [ see pp. 37828-29 ] had been confirmed by a Berlin court on Nov. 30 , 1990 , and the last of three appeals against the order had been lost the week before .
18 By the time the cigarette had been smoked the fire had burnt out .
19 From the early days of the Spanish invasion , the ridge had been logged commercially but now the major part of the pine forest had been declared a nature reserve .
20 It was a shame that there was nothing from the boy 's mother , but then it was only Thursday and perhaps since war had been declared the post was being delayed .
21 I had been granted a State Studentship enabling me to undertake postgraduate study for an M.A. ( The London University M.A. was then a research degree . )
22 Some time , then , during the intervening years , he had been granted a barony .
23 This came shortly after wife Gabrielle had been granted a decree nisi in a divorce court , while Crawford was rehearsing at the London Palladium for a Royal Variety Performance , which included excerpts from Billy .
24 It is hard to say how directly the King reminded the Company that it was doing well because it had been granted a monopoly of the English market .
25 Orchard had been granted a rent for his ‘ good and praiseworthy service and counsel ’ in 1475 , and he was engaged as a contractor for several parts of the college buildings , including the great west window of the chapel to his own ‘ portraiture ’ ( design ) .
26 Because of his obedience he had been granted the gift of eternal life .
27 A jury swore in 1266 that John son of Nigel and his ancestors had been foresters of fee of Bernwood Forest ‘ from the Conquest of England ’ : another jury declared that the ancestors of William son of Adam had been granted the manor of Hutton-in-the Forest by Henry I , to hold by the serjeanty of keeping the bailiwick of Plumpton in Inglewood Forest .
28 He already had an interest there , as he had been granted the town of Lalinde by Edward in 1267 .
29 On the day after the Cease Fire he had been granted an audience with the Chairman of the Revolutionary Council and he had argued his case for the revitalisation of his dream .
30 Some of the 120 rebels claimed that they had been granted an amnesty , but an official spokesman stated that all had surrendered unconditionally and could face charges of treason , a capital offence .
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