Example sentences of "had [been] [verb] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By 1723 , ninety-nine cottages had been erected on small pieces of land taken from the wastes .
2 But however reasonable , nothing was as cheap as free accommodation , and she had been counting on these next six months to build up a bank balance .
3 There , as if a curtain had been raised on both sides of the river , suddenly were campsites , fishing and bathing .
4 First George Escolmbe , an Oxford graduate , had been appointed on 14th September 1691 , and then on 20th January 1693 the Goldsmiths " unanimously agreed that William Dickens shall be appointed schoolmaster of the said town in the room of Timothy Dobson " .
5 She had been indicted on numerous corruption charges since her return to the Philippines , as the government continued to attempt to recover some of the millions of dollars which she and her husband allegedly looted from the country during their years in power .
6 On my last visit to Wood Green , I saw that an attractive house had been built on that part of the garden .
7 Query had been built on hard fact and delivered hard-hitting articles .
8 What the position would have been if , say , half of the contents including the signature had been written on one occasion and the rest of the contents on another , later , occasion , with the deceased indicating on the later occasion to the two witnesses that he regarded his signature as authenticating the whole of the contents , does not arise for decision and need not be decided now .
9 It had been written on 8 June , and he said quite clearly that it would be his last ‘ until I see you again ’ .
10 Anthony Parnes , a stockbroker , had been convicted on four false accounting charges and two theft charges , and was imprisoned for two concurrent terms of 30 months and 18 months .
11 His wife , Jane , who had been convicted on two counts of extortion and conspiracy , was sentenced to three months .
12 Gerald Ronson , the chief executive of the Heron Corporation , a privately owned property and petrol retailing company , had been convicted on one conspiracy charge , two false accounting charges and one theft charge , and was sentenced to one year 's imprisonment as well as being fined £5,000,000 — the largest fine ever imposed by an English court .
13 The appellant was Michael Thomas Bromell who had been convicted on 16 October 1987 at Warwick Crown Court of unlawful wounding and had been sentenced to seven years ' imprisonment .
14 Lord Ross declared that the warrant had been obtained on inadequate information and the court awarded expenses to Mr Guest .
15 Other members of the curia also by the late twelfth century had been nurtured on Parisian ideas and Lothar himself later promoted some of his fellow scholars to high office in the Church .
16 ‘ She had been warned on four previous occasions about going overdrawn .
17 Manning said he was told Mr McVeigh had been warned on four occasions not to supply goods to the security forces .
18 As we have seen , the prestigious ultra-Rightist politician , José Calvo Sotelo , had been assassinated on 13 July .
19 May 1865 , shortly after President Lincoln had been assassinated on 14th .
20 On April 13 a similar raid had been conducted on six soda ash producers in the UK , the Netherlands , France and West Germany .
21 Once of the aircraft had been fitted with some new kit and a whip aerial had been mounted on one of its bomb doors .
22 The first amphibious raid — three officers landing between Boulogne and Etaples — had been mounted on 2–3 June by MIR with informal contacts in the Royal Navy , who provided a trawler .
23 The election results had been announced on 6 March .
24 The four persons against whom the murder charges had been announced on 6th January 1973 had likewise been travelling in a motor car in which an unlicensed pistol had been found .
25 Before starting school he had attended the child development centre , received speech therapy and since had been seen on several occasions by the educational psychologist .
26 He had been seen on several levels of the North Star site .
27 She had been assisted on humanitarian grounds for long enough and her allegations ‘ came forth when the assistance ceased ’ , it said .
28 A sketch of the houses on the north side of the west end of Crown Street made by T. H. Shepherd in May 1858 shows them in the early stages of demolition , but two of his later sketches , dated March 1859 , show almost the whole south side of Fludyer Street as still standing although notice had been served on some of the occupiers as early as March 1856 .
29 His entire professional career had been based on that premise .
30 Waddington stated in a written parliamentary reply on April 4 , 1990 , that following his study of such documents he had concluded that the removal had been based on straightforward facts .
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