Example sentences of "had [been] [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 I felt he had been struck by some arresting thought .
2 as if he had been struck by some unseen force into stillness , he stopped , his right arm still embracing an imaginary figure , his left arm extended .
3 Bending down , he saw that although the space had been cleared with some care , there were traces of charcoal mingled with sand .
4 Writing to a colleague at Caserta , he mentioned that he had been presented with some tricky problems concerning the status of individual British subjects in Austria , and he then went on to mention , among " similar problems " he had been confronted with : " if captured Cossacks fighting with the Germans are to be handed over to the Russians , what should be done with White Russians with French nationality ?
5 Examples were used in the report to indicate the approaches to enlist the help of parents which had been adopted in some schools .
6 It also transpired that parts of England ( east and south-east ) were put on full invasion alert at the time , but it seems that ‘ Cromwell ’ had been ignored in some places where the junior officers who happened to be on duty had not been let into the secret of what it meant .
7 It had been recognised for some time that only through rationalisation into larger productive and distributive units could the movement overcome the damaging rivalries among societies in the same neighbourhood , and through economies of scale promote further growth .
8 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
9 But the Chancellor did show he had been listening to some of industry 's gripes .
10 Another suggestion was that an entire class of LMS express locomotives had been withdrawn for some reason .
11 Even in its best days the circulation of the magazine had been limited to some eight hundred subscribers ( most of whom were " Eliot watchers " , according to Stephen Spender ) and by the time it had ceased publication that number had dropped to a couple of hundred .
12 He had been speaking for some five minutes or more with force and conviction , carried away by the things which concerned him greatly .
13 Both countries had been speaking for some time of their desire to improve relations , without making much progress .
14 Film shown on Algerian television that same evening recorded that he had been speaking for some minutes .
15 The consultative document published in 1987 followed the principle that had been acknowledged for some time , drawing a distinction between essential items which were to remain free , and desirable but not essential items for which charges could be made , a distinction not in practice very easy to make .
16 This was reportedly a concession which US oil companies had been seeking for some time .
17 Initially , she had been ostracised in some quarters , and on several occasions when she had arranged a soiree , rival parties had been arranged for the same night .
18 The City and the Confederation of British Industry had been looking for some indication of earlier participation in the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS .
19 For the first time she recognized that secretly she had been looking for some way out for herself and Midnight .
20 Somehow he had been infused with some of its magic — that word again , he thought wryly .
21 The other features , the mouth , the ears , and especially the nose , had been blurred in some fashion by the surgeon 's knife .
22 The schedule of accommodation which forms the basic document around which the rest of the building note is developed , and which I shall illustrate , was prepared , for this particular group of patients , in precisely the same way as it had been done for some of the other sub-groups within mental illness and mental handicapped for which various supplements have been prepared to which I referred above .
23 The phone had been ringing for some time .
24 The refugees also claimed that water and electricity supplies had been cut in some parts of Kuwait City but not in others .
25 The wood at the back of the painting was deeply scored with a dagger as if someone had been searching for some secret crevice or compartment .
26 By the time I was twelve years old I had been thinking for some time about getting a bird of my own .
27 In fact , he was so happy with the idea that had come to him from the writer , Peter Shaffer , he began the serious rethink of his career which friends like Lance Percival had been thinking for some time was overdue .
28 Concern had been voiced for some time by the Office of Fair Trading ( OFT ) as to the restrictive practices maintained by the Stock Exchange :
29 Relations between the Meskhetians and the Uzbek majority had been strained for some time , largely as a result of the poor housing and other conditions in which the Meskhetians had been forced to remain ( many still lived in shanty towns , and levels of unemployment were higher than elsewhere in the republic ) .
30 Relations between this group and the government had been strained for some years because of the sect 's links with Libya and its occupation of a disputed eight-acre site west of the capital , where it had built a commune .
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