Example sentences of "had [been] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , all attacks by the German centre , west of Verdun and at Nancy , had been halted with heavy loss .
2 We watched the emergence of one moth ; it crept out from its pale yellow papery cocoon , and clung to the stem of grass to which the cocoon had been fixed with silken threads .
3 But when the first baiter led his teams on to an unploughed field he did not have to trouble his head about the width of the stetches : that had been fixed by long usage and probably appeared to him then as unalterable an aspect of the landscape as the roads and the hedges .
4 This change was marked by the arrival on 1 June of Air Commodore Hugh Pughe Lloyd , M.C. , D.F.C. , to take over as A.O.C. from A.V.M. Maynard , A.F.C. Newly-promoted from the rank of Group Captain , Lloyd had been serving as Senior Air Staff Officer with No.2 Group of Bomber Command .
5 Pc Geoff Towle , secretary of the federation 's Derbyshire branch , said the quota system had been operated by senior CID men who did little to conceal it .
6 Where previous discussions about the Britishness of British films had been coloured by official concerns about national status , and cinema 's role in boosting American economic might , filmmakers increasingly focused on the possibility that good stories might be British stories .
7 A liaison had been struck with Spanish designer Juan de la Cierva for G & J Weir to licence build his autogiros .
8 When its near discordant notes gave way to Rooster and the driving beat of early Rolling Stones music , it was as if the the group and the whole theatre had been struck by benign lightening .
9 Normally used as a storeroom-cum-gallery , it had been cleared of extraneous clutter .
10 By one year , 12 recurrences had been diagnosed by ultrasonagraphy but only seven had been detected by oral cholecystectography .
11 Grb2 binding of Sos1 in vitro facilitated the rapid mapping of the sites of interaction : the SH3 domains were clear candidates for interaction on the Grb2 protein because mutation in these domains had been detected in genetic screens in worms , and indeed both SH3 domains of Grb2 are required for high-affinity binding .
12 In rejecting the full Copernican scheme , Tycho had been swayed by biblical considerations and by the failure to detect stellar parallax , which , if Copernicus were right , would entail an enormous gap between the outermost planet and the closest of the stars — a gap that he , and Catholic scholars too , found unacceptable on aesthetic grounds .
13 In this case we were lucky and the route had been re-equipped with new bolts placed in between the old bolts .
14 County freeholders , often indiscriminately styled ‘ barons ’ , as indeed some of them were , whose estates had been erected into free baronies by a crown charter , were gentlemen landowners of the shire , the direct vassals of the crown , and most of them were fully conscious of holding a social position which demanded that they should not be seen to be in any man 's pocket .
15 By 1723 , ninety-nine cottages had been erected on small pieces of land taken from the wastes .
16 To allow VIP 's , press and cameramen a view , a double line of ropes had been erected in certain areas to allow the chosen few a front row .
17 Those undertaking health promotion saw this as evidence that sexual behaviour could be changed and that educational messages about safer sex had been heeded by homosexual men .
18 Croll managed the day to day administration of the office until he retired in 1881 by which time he was a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and had been honoured by learned bodies at home and abroad .
19 They were not feeling too bad , considering , although Karen , as soon as she had awoken , had been flooded with guilty thoughts — the pangs unmodified , this morning , by champagne or brandy .
20 The man , who police believe is instrumental in many UFF attacks , said the organisation had been flooded with young people wanting to join since the UDA was banned last August and said that only one major UFF terrorist unit had been lost in security force operations in the last two years .
21 In particular , ‘ Britain was bounced into surrenders of sovereignty which she would never have accepted if they had been presented as abstract ideas ’ .
22 On Assembly Sunday , the one just after Christian Aid Week , the visiting preacher , Rev. Stewart Matthew , told us that the day before , under the dripping trees of Holyrood , he had met a young man who had told him with pride and joy that over £13,000 had been raised for Christian Aid at his church .
23 A £2,000 reward had been raised by local people after the killings for information leading to those responsible .
24 Compared to this Packard-Merlin , the Mk III had been raised in immaculate condition and its rocker covers still gleam with the original black paintwork .
25 It had been raised in international conferences in the late 1960s but was first officially presented by a Malaysian diplomat in April 1970 at the preparatory meeting of the non-aligned states in Dar-es-Salaam .
26 Furthermore , almost all of this debt had been raised from British creditors .
27 A staggering £300,000 had been raised from local people and businesses , some of it in the form of covenants .
28 I was in Italy and read in the paper that Paul Van Kempen had been appointed as General Music Director in Aachen .
29 The budget was the first to be based on President Hashemi Rafsanjani 's development plan for 1989-93 , which had been adopted after considerable debate at the end of January 1990 .
30 Within months the sign had replaced the customary ‘ thumbs-up ’ and had been adopted throughout beleaguered Europe as a symbol of defiance to Nazism .
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