Example sentences of "had [been] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The only way this impinged on the message Macmillan had been taking up to the generals in the front-line was that they might now have to prepare even more urgently for military operations to reinforce allied policy .
2 During the Cienfuegos speech Castro confirmed that work on the Juraga nuclear power plant in Cienfuegos , the construction work on which was begun in 1972 and which was now 90 per cent complete at an estimated cost of US$1,000 million , had been halted indefinitely for lack of funds .
3 Yesterday 's jeans and shirt had been tossed on to the rumpled heap made by his sleeping-bag and two dented pillows .
4 She felt as if her own emotions had been tossed brutally into a whirlwind .
5 At first she had been surprised when a flask and a chunk of bread had been tossed down to her that first night , until she had remembered that de Raimes did not want her dead just yet .
6 A BITTER David Gower blasted England 's selectors last night after he was virtually the last to hear he had been tossed back into the cricketing wilderness .
7 A low-loading trailer had been fixed up as a platform for the clergy who led the service and the singing .
8 Most of the puppets looked rough-hewn and primitive , but two were utterly grotesque , as plastic dolls heads , complete with eyelashes and floppy yellow curls , had been fixed on to their stick-like bodies .
9 In patient 10 , who had been operated on for a bleeding ulcer seven years previously , a gastric lymphoma was diagnosed on the basis of biopsy specimens .
10 In patient 4 , who had been operated on before being referred to our institution , neoplastic cells including centrocyte like appearance infiltrated the mucosa , submucosa , and stomach muscles , with sparse extensions into the perigastric conjunctive tissue .
11 On another occasion he had been struck once by another man at work and we were furious at him for not returning the blow .
12 The action had been struck out at first instance , an appeal to the Court of Appeal had failed but a petition for leave to appeal to the House of Lords was still pending .
13 Aurangzeb had been struck down with a fever , and it was believed that he was beyond recovery .
14 Having survived the early years of childhood , unlike so many of his siblings , he had been struck down by that other malady which afflicted a tragically high proportion of those who lived on into teenage years and beyond .
15 And yet , in her case , it did not appear to him that she had been struck down by any kind of ordinary post-natal depression , as Adams 's next words seemed to confirm .
16 A sepoy with a green turban had had his spine shattered by The Spirit of Science ; others had been struck down by teaspoons , by fish-knives , by marbles ; an unfortunate subadar had been plucked from this world by the silver sugar-tongs embedded in his brain .
17 The Guam law had been struck down by lower courts and the Supreme Court had refused to review these rulings .
18 Relationship between trade and between members of state , strictly competition and I said I 'd be the one erm relative case , just to demonstrate the course , Lord , erm I 've usefully used the time this morning to do a , a brief aden am moire of the point , the relevant photographs and the , just in case , if I can just hand that out ena enable me to , to speed through the admission , my Lord if I can just er take the through it and apart , my Lord paragraph five is triggered by an agreement which effects trade between members of states , er in windsurfing the court considered an argument that the causes and the contested agreement which had been struck down by the commission did not forward then article eighty five because they did not have that trade between members of states , the court replied , that argument must be rejected , article eighty five does not require that each and individual cause in the agreement should be capable of affecting into community trade , community law or competition applies to agreements between undertakings which may effect member of states , only if the agreement as a whole is capable of effecting trade is it necessary to exam which other clauses of the agreement which havers there object , let's just say or , or effect the restriction of competition .
19 By this time they had been chucked out of the garden of course .
20 ‘ Be it known , ’ declared the paraplegic , who had been paralysed irreparably in some nerve-eating attack by aliens , ‘ Õbe it known that some precious organs of the Venerable Dorn have been lost to us utterly during the vast lapse of time .
21 I tried all the channels from 1 to 40 in case the hijackers had been messing about with the rig in the truck , but still got nothing .
22 The rest of the breakfasters , who had been gazing on with fascination , returned also to their newspapers , with the exception of Fishbane , on whom Gooseneck now turned .
23 Carol had been gazing gloomily at the lake .
24 As had been realised already in the model experiments , a rotor ship would not make full use of a wind blowing directly from astern .
25 The aim was to ensure that subjects had been fixating correctly by requiring them to report this digit immediately prior to recalling the stimulus .
26 Perhaps as many as 3,000 had been presented annually to Henry IV .
27 The field behaves as if it had been presented simultaneously with the target display , and so reduces the contrast between target contours and their background ( that is , the target contours will look grey rather than black ) .
28 President Vaclav Havel referred to a smear campaign against Vales , whose alleged associations with the former Communist secret police had been raised repeatedly by parliamentary deputies and journalists , although no concrete evidence had been published .
29 Those customers still paying peanuts for their waste disposal may one day wish prices had been raised moderately against them now rather than slammed up later .
30 This point had been raised before by intellectuals and they usually suffered for their lack of ‘ loyalty ’ .
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