Example sentences of "had [not/n't] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 It had not previously occurred to Camille that he might .
2 The Yugoslav revolution succeeded in preventing the nationalities within its state frontiers from massacring each other almost certainly for longer than ever before in their history and though this achievement is now unfortunately crumbling , by the end of 1988 national tensions had not yet led to a single fatality .
3 Worsening expectations had not yet led to a collapse in investment , however .
4 If under the contract between A and B property had not yet passed to B ( see Chapter 3 ) , then A was still the owner when he sold to C. Still being the owner , A could pass that ownership to C. One has to examine the two contracts , B's and C's , and find out under which of them property was to pass first .
5 Martha , her youngest , was being courted by Sam Baldwin , the youngest son of the family at Cauldron Mill ; although the lad had not yet spoken to Jonadab , Annie knew it would not be long before he asked for their daughter as his bride .
6 Tiredness , the excitement of the journey and of sitting , so late , at a pavement café such as I had seen only in films ( these agreeable continental institutions had not yet spread to London , far less pre-Festival Edinburgh ) , as well as the unaccustomed intake of alcohol , all made my head reel .
7 The party had not yet come to terms with the departure of Mrs Thatcher and was suffering an identity crisis .
8 The " literature " to which Playfair refers is , of course , classics rather than English literature ( which had not yet come to be seen as an adequate instrument of " culture " ) .
9 But the Friar 's wits had not yet returned to him and he seemed not to hear what the Trapper said .
10 She was wholly relieved that he had gone , for his absence enabled her safely to join her friends , to receive their questions and their anecdotes , and to hear of the brazen , wonderful audacity of Janice , who had not yet returned to the fold , and who had been seen leading , yes , leading her captive from the floor , in search of fresher air and darker night .
11 It was the worst raid so far but Maureen who had not yet returned to driving was with her mother in the shelter and Anne , who finished work at ten o'clock , had reached home , dodging from shelter to shelter .
12 Long term serological surveillance studies have also found that in most patients without H pylori infection , 12 months after anti- H pylori therapy , both specific IgA and specific IgG antibody values were lower but had not yet returned to the normal range .
13 Verres had not yet handed to the state his collection of Corinthian bronzes .
14 He had not written anything he had not already said to me at different times ’ . ’
15 It was unlikely that anything he might discover had not already come to light .
16 If the County Court issues a certificate authorizing the alterations , the tenant may claim compensation for the improvements made when the tenancy ends , although the landlord had not actually consented to the alterations .
17 I had not long returned to England after a visit to my old mission of Cameroon on the West coast of Africa .
18 Come the following night , I was sitting at home with Caroline ( Nigel 's daughter by his first marriage , the wife of the ‘ moving ’ John , who had not long returned to Denmark ) .
19 She had not long returned to her room however , when her telephone rang , and when she answered it the sun came out .
20 Many urban areas had not really benefited to any great extent .
21 I had not only come to faith .
22 By the end of the day he had not only helped to further that cause ; by showing outstanding courage and skill in arms in the thick of the fighting he had shown how the knight could use situations of war to win personal renown for himself .
23 A woman , described by two Portlaoise psychiatrists , had not only taken to swigging Jeyes ' fluid she had also become dependent on it .
24 She sued the plaintiff in battery , on the ground that she had not truly consented to the operation , as its effect had not been properly explained to her .
25 Looking for lines of descent with modification had not merely led to finding interesting fossils , but had also produced better understanding of how existing species fit together .
26 Billy Egan and Terry Place had not quite risen to their ranks , although Egan at least had aspired to .
27 In my tender pre-teen years , I had n't yet learned to be analytical — far less critical .
28 Wish fulfilment dreams — they 're the ones where you actually get to catch that partner — useful of course if you had n't previously acknowledged to your waking self who it is you 're pursuing in your unconscious mind !
29 He must have written it as soon as Barbara had telephoned the news and had sent it round by one of his nurses who , in a hurry to get home after night duty , had n't even stopped to hand it in but had slipped it through the letter box .
30 He 'd said too much — and I had n't even begun to cotton on .
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