Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 ( Two summers ago , on holiday in Greece with a school pal he had since lost touch with , he 'd been on a small , crowded , ramshackle train heading out of Athens over a scrubby plain in blistering heat .
2 In response , First Edition project director Mark Hodder-Williams said that First Edition had been in operation for nine months , and had successfully provided users with an efficient , fast computer-to-computer service for exchanging a wide range of commercial documents .
3 He remarked on the continued success of the Society in the past year — the monthly meetings , trips and preservation activities had all provided members with much to interest them .
4 She had only had dinner with him once , which hardly constituted an exclusive relationship .
5 I usually left the night meeting about 2.00 pm , but quite often after that Anthony [ Eden ] had long telephone conversations with Guy Mollet , the Prime Minister of France , which went on until 4.00 or 5.00 am .
6 Within the Commonwealth , Mrs Thatcher 's hostility towards trade sanctions on South Africa had long weakened ties with the African and Asian states so fruitfully built up at the time of the settlement in Zimbabwe in 1979 .
7 In fact the ambassador had been attacked by members of the Abu Nidal faction , who had long severed connections with the PLO , but a small detail like that was not enough to deter the Israelis .
8 He told the Commons that British officials had already lodged protests with the French authorities and that the French government would be left ‘ in no doubt ’ that Britain expected it to act speedily .
9 Bull terrier Bronson had already done battle with two workmen — who fought it off with a shovel — before turning on Questa .
10 It followed growing pressure from within the ruling Communist Party for a dialogue with the opposition , and came after newly elected Communist Party leaders in the provinces had already made contact with the biggest opposition group , New Forum .
11 Peter had already made contact with the Montenegrins early in the century .
12 She had already made arrangements with the sergeant in charge and when Devlin appeared , bag in hand , his papers ready , she intervened at once .
13 He thought it would certainly be a couple of days ' journey to the Fire Court — the giants would be sure to know , he said , because they had already sent emissaries with the marriage proposal .
14 The sudden blindness was a result of Batten disease , a rare , inherited disorder of the nervous system that had already left Christopher with great difficulty in speaking .
15 On the ground , in accordance with the order , 5 Corps had already entered negotiations with the Soviet authorities to take them over , and had come to a final decision ( reported to Eighth Army ) on which groups were to go .
16 To be worthwhile , any such conference would have to be of sufficient weight so that it could have a decisive effect on the ‘ official ’ international conferences — several of which had already taken place with the express purpose of reviewing the treaty , but which had succeeded in producing only confusion and bitterness .
17 The Convent High School thus had no independent future , and indeed discussions had already taken place with the Local Authority for the possible redevelopment of the site .
18 The stewardship of the duchy was given to John lord Dynham , who had been one of Edward IV 's leading associates in the south west and as such had already had dealings with the duchy .
19 The stewardship of the duchy was given to John lord Dynham , who had been one of Edward IV 's leading associates in the south west and as such had already had dealings with the duchy .
20 By February 1973 the Chief Officer was reporting to the Council that the CNAA had already had discussions with over fifty colleges — about a third of the total .
21 De Gaulle had already had arguments with the other five over his 1961 blueprint for political union .
22 The commander of the UN peacekeeping troops in Bosnia , General Philippe Morillon , said he had finally reached agreement with local Muslim authorities to begin evacuating Serb families from the Muslim city of Tuzla in northern Bosnia .
23 Not until the anonymous informant had rung again on 4 August and there had been more calls to Lawrence , and they had finally made contact with John Lewis , did the Panel begin to find out what had really happened .
24 The question puzzled me for I had not mentioned Sister Island , nor its old name of Murder Cay , to either the police or to the Defence Forces , nor had Billingsley troubled to look at the pencilled line on the chart , yet he had somehow connected Hirondelle with the mysterious island .
25 Both the Corporation and the Company had always turned trolleys with a hooked bamboo pole .
26 He had always run Virgin with something of the paternalism of a nineteenth-century Lancashire mill-owner , believing himself to be mindful of the welfare of his staff , if not always fully in touch with the vicissitudes of their day-to-day existence , but certainly never tolerating any direct challenge to his authority .
27 I had always had difficulty with the idea of a long-bearded god sitting on a throne on high , but because it came in the form it did , as an energy , I had no difficulty with it …
28 He had always distrusted people with eyes that colour , unreasonably no doubt .
29 Dr Carson described it as a ‘ very rare ’ cause of death and said that neither he nor his colleagues had ever seen cases with such severity of infection of the umbilical cord .
30 The victims ranged from intellectuals , university professors whose advice had been sought by the government , and distinguished scientists who had once had associations with " left-wing " organizations , to writers , broadcasters and Hollywood actors and directors .
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