Example sentences of "had [prep] the [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If the unique guitar/drum intros of many of the recorded works here ( you know them all ) are proof of their creative gift , the live CD is an example of the contempt they had for the carnival going on around them .
2 For Henri , the desire for French control of Scotland had for the moment given way to Valois need to counter an extension of Hapsburg power ; and Mary was as useful for the one as for the other .
3 The old abrasiveness over the community budget had for the moment disappeared .
4 The latter had for the moment deserted him .
5 Certainly no other organization could challenge the sheer size of an industry that had from the outset relied on economies of scale and realized the logic of a mass audience , but neither was there any other organization prepared to rely exclusively on entertainment , which the showmen had identified as the essence of the movies .
6 And for the mass of the petty bourgeoisie , which had from the beginning provided a backbone of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ , the period when , materially , the Third Reich turned to unmitigated disaster only seems to have set in from 1942 onwards .
7 The torches , that had from the back played on and around him like searchlights finding the enemy , were switched off .
8 The most arresting libertarian thesis holds that far from constituting the vanguard of the proletariat , as it claimed , the party had from the start represented an entirely different class , that of ‘ intellectual workers ’ .
9 Because import duty ( 35 per cent on ornamented goods ) and freight charges , had from the start pushed prices up in the US , Peter now decided to make a virtue of necessity and deliberately aimed for an exclusive designer image with corresponding price tag .
10 He pointed out that they had from the start prosecuted a vigorous trial even though cross-courses had led to " vast expense " and that they were , as spiritedly as ever , carrying on " bold works " .
11 When the government originally announced that Rico Toro would replace Col. Lucio Añez Rivera at the FELCN there were protests in the Congress ; Rico Toro had been the chief of army intelligence in the 1980-81 government of Gen. Luís García Meza , notorious for its involvement with the country 's large-scale organized drug trade ; moreover , he had in the past argued for the legalization of the coca industry .
12 The Rural Institute for women had in the past joined with the colleges and local Councils in providing short training courses but as yet there was little co-ordinated training for the wives .
13 I suppose I was defending a monarchy that had in the past seen some unsuitable sovereigns , while he somewhat deftly applied the same argument to unsatisfactory prime ministers .
14 The intensely provincial , Catholic and Nationalist environment within which the DHAC operated was not conducive to its kind of class-based , quasi-Marxist political rhetoric which would , ten years earlier , probably have unleashed a backlash that it would have found difficult to survive ; even the mild leftism of Stephen McGonagle had in the past made him an object of suspicion among Derry Catholics .
15 It was true that those concerned with the enforcement of the law in this country were apprehensive that the abolition of the death penalty would be followed by an increase in crimes of violence ; but their predecessors had in the past opposed for the same reason the abolition of the death penalty for offences less serious than murder and their apprehensions had not in the event proved justified .
16 Yet , stirring at the back of her mind and insistently pushing its way to the fore , the ungovernable curiosity that had in the past led her into strange , sometimes dangerous but often exciting situations was threatening to override her common sense .
17 A third group were the ‘ Queen Bees ’ , virgin wives and often virgin mothers who had in the past persuaded a doctor to administer artificial insemination because of their husband 's impotence .
18 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
19 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
20 No doubt the jury would have been interested to hear that the victim had convictions for offences of dishonesty , and conceivably even more impressed ( though in law they would be wrong to be ) to learn that she had in the past tried to stab a policeman .
21 Whigs and Dissenters had in the past shown themselves prepared to defend the prerogative powers of the Crown , especially in the ecclesiastical sphere , as we have seen with regard to the Declarations of Indulgence in 1672 and 1687 , and Danby 's proposals for limitations on a popish successor in 1677 .
22 Some lesser American golfers , lured over by the open cheques that sponsors often have available , had in the past performed less than satisfactorily .
23 Dunwoody had in the past won on Norton 's Coin and would have been riding him in the Gold Cup had Desert Orchid been absent .
24 Since the 1950s and 1960s there has been a weakening of the norms of ‘ good ’ congressional behaviour which , by obliging most members to conform , had in the past helped to bring some order into the legislature .
25 Donald and I , children of an unhappy home , had in the past found strength and consolation in such very different masters of cruel family life as Sophocles and Samuel Butler .
26 This was because those steps had been reasonable ones to take even though they had in the event aggravated the losses .
27 When the victim returned on the fateful day , he had in the interim heard that the medal was on a list of stolen property .
28 Without question its most enthusiastic supporter was Sir Walter Runciman , whose ear , and whose confidence and friendship , Wilson had first gained in 1887 , and who had in the interim become a considerable steamship owner and a source of radical thinking within the Shipping Federation .
29 William had been his yard foreman , caring for the horses as well as being in charge of the carmen , and yet all the years of friendship and good service had in the end counted for nothing .
30 Mary told him how she had taken provisions to Granny Fordham , then seen the deer in the back of the car , and been chased , and finally how she had cross the marsh to reach the keeper before the raiders got away .
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