Example sentences of "had [prep] [art] [noun sg] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 In the following year he won the 100 yards AAA title ; he had for a while reigned as the British number one high jumper .
2 The return to normality after the Angelus hush made him feel that the all-seeing spirit which had for a while hovered doubtfully over his actions had now moved on .
3 Ven made no move to detain her , not that she had for a second considered that he might .
4 He knew little more about her now than when they had first encountered each other in the abbey ruins on a blustery August evening less than six weeks earlier , had for a minute stood and gazed and had then moved silently towards each other in a wordless , amazed recognition .
5 The BBC had for a period turned from county commentaries to one-liners .
6 The old abrasiveness over the community budget had for the moment disappeared .
7 Well , Edgar Wallace ( a writer not to be despised , as he sometimes is ) once said that vanity is at the back of most murders , and he had as a reporter covered many a murder trail .
8 Cézanne in particular had as a rule relied completely on visual models , and had looked at the subjects of his paintings with a concentration and intensity as great as that shown by the artists of the early Renaissance in their rediscovery of the natural world .
9 He had been told that the Chairman had with a handgun shot dead a general who had dared to argue with his strategy during the dark days of the war .
10 After all , Woosnam had said one day that Phil Ritson , a grey-haired South African coach , had from a distance spotted something amiss with his swing on the practice ground , offered some advice and then drifted away again .
11 The torches , that had from the back played on and around him like searchlights finding the enemy , were switched off .
12 The most arresting libertarian thesis holds that far from constituting the vanguard of the proletariat , as it claimed , the party had from the start represented an entirely different class , that of ‘ intellectual workers ’ .
13 Because import duty ( 35 per cent on ornamented goods ) and freight charges , had from the start pushed prices up in the US , Peter now decided to make a virtue of necessity and deliberately aimed for an exclusive designer image with corresponding price tag .
14 He pointed out that they had from the start prosecuted a vigorous trial even though cross-courses had led to " vast expense " and that they were , as spiritedly as ever , carrying on " bold works " .
15 Six years later , when the launching of the European Economic Community with the same six member states had in a sense superseded the ECSC , the Authority could make a reasonably positive report .
16 The subject had seemed to be taboo ; and he himself had in a way pressed her down into his mind because thoughts of her conjured up a feeling tinged with regret and shame , centred round a scene in the bedroom and the rage of his mother .
17 But with Pelleas , Brook said , the singers had settled into teams , and although these had in no way developed a style in one mould , they had aimed to fuse through the exchange of actions and ideas ‘ the practical and the sublime ’ .
18 Erm and it would in in us suggesting to the county council that they consider this policy we had in no way expected it to result in in in wholesale de erm development .
19 The 40-year gap between the First and Second Empires had in no way diminished the ability of these people to perform their functions properly and with dignity , and it should not be thought that the Court of Napoleon III had a sort of second-hand quality about it .
20 Accordingly there was no consideration for the owner 's agreement to pay the further 10 per cent. , since the yard were already contractually bound to build the ship and it is common ground that the devaluation of the dollar had in no way lessened the yard 's legal obligation to do this .
21 And to be enveloped in a mist of enchantment was a way of life that the miasma of fashion , affluence and privilege had in no way approached .
22 To prove that his feelings for her had in no way changed , Harry kissed her as she wanted , his tongue probing her mouth , which was raised so invitingly to his .
23 She was reminded of her ravishment and how her lack then of a shapely figure had in no way inhibited the brutal hands of her assailant .
24 Despite the fact that Richard and his elder brother had performed homage to Louis VII for their lands it was obvious that their father had in no way relinquished control .
25 The intensely provincial , Catholic and Nationalist environment within which the DHAC operated was not conducive to its kind of class-based , quasi-Marxist political rhetoric which would , ten years earlier , probably have unleashed a backlash that it would have found difficult to survive ; even the mild leftism of Stephen McGonagle had in the past made him an object of suspicion among Derry Catholics .
26 Yet , stirring at the back of her mind and insistently pushing its way to the fore , the ungovernable curiosity that had in the past led her into strange , sometimes dangerous but often exciting situations was threatening to override her common sense .
27 A third group were the ‘ Queen Bees ’ , virgin wives and often virgin mothers who had in the past persuaded a doctor to administer artificial insemination because of their husband 's impotence .
28 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
29 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
30 No doubt the jury would have been interested to hear that the victim had convictions for offences of dishonesty , and conceivably even more impressed ( though in law they would be wrong to be ) to learn that she had in the past tried to stab a policeman .
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