Example sentences of "had [to-vb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Burrows children were expected to be examples to the other youngsters in the corps , and had to sit in the front seats of any hall they attended , where Captain Burrows could keep his eagle eye on them .
2 These symptoms were present most of the time , but became much worse if Sheila drove the car , used certain aerosol sprays , or had to sit in the same room as someone wearing perfume or aftershave .
3 She and Oliver ran through the downpour to Cobalt 's car and then had to wait in the inadequate shelter of the wall until he arrived .
4 Lake , facing Anne Simpkin , suffered the injury when 2-1 down in the second set and had to retire in the third , giving Simpkin a place in the quarter-finals with a 3-6 , 6-1 , 1-0 victory .
5 The Portadown player had to work in the first couple of frames but after that he stepped up a gear and dismissed the English player almost scornfully .
6 There were two clues in the problem : first , that the letters had to appear in the same order , which helped you try out possible solutions ; second , the word " descend .
7 The total loss of these aircraft and crews was the bitterest blow Bomber Command had to suffer in the entire war , and it is difficult to understand why it happened .
8 In all three works it seemed a little too often as if you simply had to programme in the appropriate music , push the right button , and out it came with a pat brilliance , with an irreproachable but impersonal expertise .
9 A B Ed student must , therefore , undertake an academic study as part of his/her training ( just as the certificated teacher had to do in the 1920s ) .
10 Because you had to put in the level plugs for them to keep the level and the centre lines to keep the centre .
11 I had to sleep in the same room as loads of them on account of we said I was his secretary . ’
12 Although the decision represents a much needed victory for the regulatory authorities , it is unfortunate that the appellate courts had to intervene in the first place .
13 But it was this very exploitation — the fact , for example , that immigrant workers had to live in the deprived and decaying areas of big cities because of the proximity of their jobs to these areas , which led to their being regarded increasingly as undesirable .
14 TV 's Bill star Nula Conwell had to call in the real police when she woke up to find her home burgled .
15 The following year Calero looked like getting in the Ryder Cup side , but he had to finish in the first two at York ( Benson and Hedges International ) .
16 Hunt had to finish in the first three to win the title .
17 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
18 He was fortunate in finding a good post — as a draughtsman of Gothic work — and in the company of congenial colleagues set about enjoying the experiences London had to offer in the 1860s .
19 No power was given to conduct investigations on its own and it had to advertise in the local press for information to be brought to it .
20 The position eventually taken up by Makarenko was one where the ultimate criteria of truth and morality had to reside in the centralized state .
21 Well Charlton had to improve in the second half , and they did ; they got more men into mid-field , and United began to run out of a little bit of steam .
22 A day that had begun with the parade affirmation had to terminate in the same style .
23 Speaking at the Co-op 's general meeting last night chairman Bill Allison said : ‘ We had to operate in the longest , deepest recession since the war .
24 The pressures for independence or at least a greater measure of autonomy that emerged in the Baltic republics were the most serious of their kind that the Soviet leadership had to confront in the early Gorbachev years .
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