Example sentences of "had [to-vb] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Britain is not in debt to the IMF , so the advice is entirely optional , but there are unpleasant echoes of the mid-1970s when Denis Healey had to borrow from the IMF to support the pound and was publicly forced to accept its advice to control the money supply and raise interest rates .
2 We had to go from the School to the School for two years and back to the School again , and er finally we 'd go to the Academy .
3 My mother was dead and my father , due to ill health , had to retire from the university on a small pension .
4 RODNEY ONTONG , 33 , the former Glamorgan captain , who had to retire from the game after a car crash , is to sue the county for damages in his benefit year .
5 According to the conventional wisdom , successful presidential candidates had to come from the middle of the political spectrum .
6 However , the document 's final approval had to come from the Pope himself , a task the Pontiff apparently relished .
7 The gang also had to purchase from the mine shop their tools , wooden halts and hilts ; gunpowder , fuze , dynamite and caps — candles too .
8 International Championships … they missed out on a certain double when they had to scratch from the Paris International regatta due to an illness to Pinsent .
9 Treleaven , from Hayling , only got in as a last-minute replacement when Michael Welch , on EGU duty in Spain , crushed his thumb in a door and had to scratch from the Salver and Sunday 's Hampshire Hog at North Hants , where he should have been defending .
10 But , if that was what he had to expect from the Russian , then that is what he would beware of .
11 All the Foreign Office ministers , headed by Lord Carrington , had to resign from the government , though Carrington was replaced by the hardly more resolute figure of Pym .
12 There were personal setbacks , as when her close political confidant , Cecil Parkinson , had to resign from the government in October 1983 after a sex scandal involving his former secretary .
13 ‘ Suddenly Souness had to start from the bottom and try to build not just from an injury-decimated side , but from one whose senior players were in the most part over 30 and past it .
14 Although the United States accepted the case for the dollar eventually being convertible into SDRs , in its view this had to result from the dollar being sufficiently competitive to generate enough capital and current account surpluses over a period to make convertibility a reality .
15 Alfred Brendel , who at the moment ( but , one hopes , not for long ) is incapacitated by tendonitis , had to withdraw from the London Symphony Orchestra 's Barbican concert ( sponsored by Nikon UK Ltd ) , but in his place Dmitri Alexeev played Beethoven 's ‘ Emperor ’ Concerto .
16 International javelin thrower Nigel Bevan had to withdraw from the championships at the last moment with a foot injury sustained in training at the end of last week .
17 Unfortunately , she had to withdraw from the Symposium , feeling that the effort was too much considering the work that she still required to do on her own Flora .
18 The partisans showed great courage , but some of them had to withdraw from the Parma Apennines down towards Tuscany .
19 Watt , who had to withdraw from the loose-head prop berth for last weekend 's Paris international on account of a ‘ viral complaint ’ , has had a series of tests under the care of the SRU 's honorary surgeon , Donald MacLeod , and they will continue when he sees another specialist on Monday .
20 To advance Japan had to learn from the West and drop at least some of her former respect for China .
21 Most Right-Ons had to move from the Fleet Street ‘ heavies ’ , the papers they actually read , to the unknown territory of the ‘ pops ’ .
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