Example sentences of "had [to-vb] the [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 France , therefore , had to promise the Ottomans that she would come to their aid if complications arose .
2 Foreign Affairs Minister Adrian Nastase affirmed to Parliament on June 24 , however , that Romania had no territorial ambitions toward the Soviet Union , and added that it " had to accept the idea that there are two Moldavian nations developing in their separate directions " .
3 I had to accept the fact that he was an individualist , and that for him the only tolerable war was one in which he felt he was making some personal contribution — personal , but never ‘ glory-seeking ’ , as he had made clear in 1940 , not least by being prepared to postpone obtaining his commission .
4 The Jews had to accept the fact that Gentiles could become Christians and that in so doing they did not have to come to Christ via Jewish cultural conditioning .
5 She had to accept the fact that he might not return to the convent and , sad though it made her , she would often lay her cheek against the rough heather and whisper his name .
6 Incredulously , she had to accept the fact that there was no hot water in the bathroom neither to bath in nor to wash her face with .
7 Was there ever any time when you just had to accept the fact that the hay would have to be carried in wet ?
8 To find a job he had to hide the fact that he had been in a mental hospital .
9 Through him Prime Minister Saed asked for $4000,000 to stack the Cabinet had to persuade the Shah that de facto recognition of Israel was in Iran 's national interest .
10 After the fall of Calais , when war ceased for some years , the king had to persuade the commons that direct taxes should continue in order to finance the defence of English positions abroad , notably Calais itself , and to maintain English forces in a state of readiness in case the enemy broke the truce and resumed the war .
11 However , the discovery that the speed of light appeared the same to every observer , no matter how he was moving , led to the theory of relativity — and in that one had to abandon the idea that there was a unique absolute time .
12 had to notify the authorities that so and so has signed up for one .
13 At the height of the heatwave , with Hurley in Washington , Coleman finally had to notify the embassy that he was closing down the listening post and moving into the hotel across the street to save the equipment as well as the family from overheating .
14 After passage of the 1974 Act , however , the authorities had to contemplate the prospect that they themselves might be prosecuted for the polluting effluents from their sewage works .
15 In the meantime , however , Gen Keightley had to consider the possibility that 5 Corps would be unable to prevent the Army Group E forces entering Austria .
16 They had to satisfy the judges that they had had the education of an English gentleman .
17 Indeed , mere permission to reside in that country for more than three weeks was strictly limited and one had to satisfy the authorities that one would not become a burden on the state .
18 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the power to make an order under section 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 was not confined to documents which could be said to be necessary to reconstitute the state of the company 's knowledge , even if that might be one of the purposes most clearly justifying the making of an order , but extended to all documents which the administrator reasonably required to see to carry out his functions ; that the applicant had to satisfy the court that after balancing all the relevant factors , there was a proper case for making the order ; that since the information sought was necessary to enable the administrators to carry out the administration and production of the documents did not impose an unnecessary and unreasonable burden on the accountants , the registrar 's order despite its width , was proper in the exceptional circumstances ( post , pp. 855E–H , 860C–D , 862D–E , G–H , 863D , 864E ) .
19 If he suspected Pascoe , Rain had to concede the probability that he was right .
20 In the Trust House Forte case the court had to interpret the assumption that premises were available for letting for shopping and retail purposes : the issue was whether the premises were to be taken as available for letting purposes only or whether they could be taken as to be available for letting for any other purpose permitted by the lease .
21 Now he had to face the possibility that his mother had combed through the cardboard boxes he had left by the dustbins , searching for things that were too good to throw away and also , perhaps , for clues about himself .
22 We did not know what the future might hold and had to face the possibility that we may not see each other again .
23 She had to face the fact that Phoebe was not , not then and not at any time , going to pull Maggie out from the night-time and into the daylight of loving and needing .
24 Abolitionists had to face the fact that for many of their fellow countrymen during the next thirty years open public meetings continued to have this resonance .
25 It was not for some years after we had separated that I had to face the fact that the deepest part of one 's being is always inaccessible to another , and that only when we are lost in passion , eager above all else for our own gratification — yet unconscious that this is the case — that we ignore the gulf , forget that we are strangers .
26 She had to face the fact that she still missed him .
27 But I had to face the fact that most of the pupils were completely untouched by every part of the curriculum .
28 Now she had to face the fact that it could all have been a sham .
29 Certainly , he had to face the fact that a majority of the French population still supported the principle of integration and that there were immense risks involved in challenging integration head-on , especially since the malaise in the army was still a factor to be reckoned with .
30 Lewis was a professional , and although she might not agree with his methods she had to face the fact that he would quickly sense something was wrong unless she was very careful .
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