Example sentences of "had [to-vb] [coord] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Frederick had to flee and the Palatinate was over-run by Spanish armies and the forces of the Catholic League headed by Maximilian I of Bavaria who coveted the Electoral dignity and to whom it was awarded in 1623 .
2 Corbett knew he had to leave but the room was spinning around him and he fell gratefully into the gathering blackness .
3 The three Free Presbyterian ministers and their supporters heckled Soper 's open-air meeting in Ballymena so persistently that the police had to intervene and the meeting was abandoned .
4 ‘ We knew we had to battle but the players gave me everything .
5 We had to change and the poll tax was introduced in Scotland a year before it was introduced in England and Wales .
6 In this , there was both a narrowing of vision of what higher education had to offer and a compartmentalism of that offering .
7 I was pretty certain of the approach I had to take and the fact that we 're virtually the same age was an advantage .
8 If it was Mrs Foster 's intention to express disapproval of the Major 's predilection for gossip , the animation in her tone and the wild fluttering of her colourless eyelashes seemed rather to show an unhealthy interest in what he had to say and an eagerness to discuss it .
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