Example sentences of "had [to-vb] [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 However , the Khmers Rouges opposed the Sihanouk-Hun Sen arrangement , arguing that the SOC had to agree to the UN plan in full .
2 The family 's passive resistance continued right up to the last moment : Zen was not permitted to set foot on Miletti soil but had to wait for the Fiat in the street , beyond the imposing wrought-iron gates .
3 Britain is not in debt to the IMF , so the advice is entirely optional , but there are unpleasant echoes of the mid-1970s when Denis Healey had to borrow from the IMF to support the pound and was publicly forced to accept its advice to control the money supply and raise interest rates .
4 She had to go to the Garfield Centre , where she taught one day a week , to see the inmates perform their Christmas entertainment .
5 The last twenty years of his life were spent in retirement ; indeed , he had to write to the Sunday Times in 1963 to point out that he was not , as they had reported , dead .
6 From the time that I was eight years of age , on coming out from Morning Service , I could not hang about with my friends , but had to dash to the Sunday Newspaper seller who operated a pitch outside Wilkes , Son and Cassey 's Ironmongers Shop on the corner of Milford Street and Queen Street .
7 International Championships … they missed out on a certain double when they had to scratch from the Paris International regatta due to an illness to Pinsent .
8 Sister Marcus first had to talk to the S.M.O. and S.S.O. , as inevitably their views mattered .
9 Not content with just the interminable Benson and Hedges World Series Cup , the players also had to fit in the Benson and Hedges Challenge between the fourth and fifth Tests , a jamboree dreamed up to latch on to the sporting frenzy which the TV and marketing people had decreed would seize the nation when the America 's Cup yacht races were staged off Fremantle .
10 Sandy had to play in the PGA Benevolent Society pro-am the next day at Sunningdale .
11 If you wanted to go to Kirkwall you had to cross to the Rousay pier and then either hire a car or walk to and get across with Tom .
12 It also meant he only had to walk across the Paddock when he went on night duty . ’
13 On the one hand some teachers saw the process as a hindrance — as something they had to do for the LEA and which would have little consequence for themselves .
14 THE FIRST thing I had to do at the NME was draw a cucumber .
15 Walsh crudely hacked down Kay but referee Peck had to send off the Sunderland player , who tried to grab Walsh and struck him in the face .
16 Alfred Brendel , who at the moment ( but , one hopes , not for long ) is incapacitated by tendonitis , had to withdraw from the London Symphony Orchestra 's Barbican concert ( sponsored by Nikon UK Ltd ) , but in his place Dmitri Alexeev played Beethoven 's ‘ Emperor ’ Concerto .
17 The partisans showed great courage , but some of them had to withdraw from the Parma Apennines down towards Tuscany .
18 The High Priest and his council had to reckon with the Tobiads .
19 It was already nearly six o'clock , and I would n't be able to find a one-hour photo lab open anywhere that evening ; and I had to return to the Sheraton to collect my bag , and be back on the train by seven-thirty or soon after .
20 Most Right-Ons had to move from the Fleet Street ‘ heavies ’ , the papers they actually read , to the unknown territory of the ‘ pops ’ .
21 Helicopters were used to provide an airborne relay station but if they were shot down or ran out of fuel , soldiers on the ground often had to resort to the GPO telephone system .
22 The section shaikhs and Ibrahim al-Sanusi were there because they had to guarantee to the Zliten people that all Zuwaya would accept the peace they had arranged .
23 In October 1940 my last year at school began ; it was going to be a year of hard work , as I had to prepare for the June examinations .
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