Example sentences of "had [vb pp] up two [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I had thought at the time , wrote Goldberg , turning the page , wiping his brow , taking a sip of orange juice from the glass on the desk beside him , dreaming for a moment of the cigarettes he had given up two years earlier , I had thought , he wrote , that an edited version of the text , with only those comments directly concerned with the Big Glass included , would serve you best .
2 In the morning , the Whig mayor , John Eyles , arrived at St Mary 's at 10 a.m. to find the Tory mayor , Richard Bundy Franklin , had turned up two hours early and was installed in the mayor 's pew .
3 The anonymous call had offered up two names for the Jabelman murder : Iain MacPherson and Tommy somebody .
4 Ajdabiyans expected to go to the polls in the winter of 1978–9 , and in anticipation their political activists had drawn up two lists of candidates for each of the fifteen popular committees .
5 Ludens had brought up two suitcases in the lift .
6 The state had been declared a " disturbed area " on June 14 and on the following day separatist guerrillas had held up two trains in the state and killed 78 passengers .
7 Ms Hargreaves admitted that one potentially lucrative source of sponsorship had dried up two days previously , when two-year-old Kate stepped out of nappies for the last time .
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