Example sentences of "had [vb pp] over the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But by the next morning sleep had smoothed over the ragged edges of Folly 's doubt .
2 The implications of this question , transformed by the reprehensible way in which the administration of life imprisonment had developed over the intervening years , were to be subjected to critical review by a Lords Select Committee in 1988–9 .
3 Rogers had flown over the Front many times , and he thought of it as two huge armies entrenched against each other , launching and repelling attacks massively and obviously ; but now , he supposed , the fog must have dissolved the armies into isolated soldiers , each fighting his own tiny battle , with no way of knowing whether his side was winning or losing .
4 A German Zeppelin had flown over the Scottish coast at Leith , and dropped a bomb which by pure luck hit a bonded warehouse full of whisky , which went up in large flames , thus lighting up the darkened city .
5 I had stared over the famous landscape : the three bridges , the brownstones of Brooklyn Heights .
6 Smoke was billowing out from it now , where fuel had spilled over the hot engine .
7 But Sealink did admit that their numbers had fallen over the nine months from January 1 to Monday of this week , by 20,755 passengers and 9,644 cars .
8 It was a dark night , and on the beach they had fallen over the dead body of a man .
9 Edward had won over the industrial towns of Flanders in 1340 , and the maintenance of the English position there was to be a basic strategic principle until its decisive failure in 1385 .
10 The increases were necessary , it was announced , because the burden of government subsidies had quadrupled over the past 10 years .
11 Matt wanted to know how her parents had fared over the last few years , and as we were about to leave the table he asked her to stay and tell him about them .
12 The advocates of " Unity " argued , however , that a considerable change had come over the Communist Party and that it had given up its " social fascist " accusations .
13 Cos in actual fact there was a , a lot of sort of de facto redistribution because er some of these account settling things were just so ridiculous you know make them pay for crimes their family had committed over the last sixty years or whatever .
14 The Unity Campaign could hardly avoid the accusation that it was creating a new organization to invite Labour Party members to work together with Communists , which every Labour Conference decision had forbidden over the previous ten years .
15 Movement from the centralities of ‘ real polising ’ in uniform , via the CID , into the marginal fringes of an extended period of drug squad work , had a profound influence on the absolute tenets of policing I had absorbed over the previous decade .
16 As I looked at him sitting opposite me on the floor of the trench , I was fascinated by his resemblance to the other Commandos I had met over the past five days .
17 An essential part of all eel tanks is sliding glass covers , so these were duly closed and the eels left to themselves for the night while I hoped that they were strong enough to survive the constant stress that they had endured over the past thirty-six hours .
18 The exciting promise John had revealed over the previous eighteen months was rewarded by a place on the England tour of Australasia in June 1991 where he demonstrated his capacity to excite the crowd and to bemuse the opposition by featuring prominently in all four matches , thereby staking a claim for a regular inclusion in the national side .
19 Various speakers congratulated us on the marvellous work we had done over the past few months .
20 And Faye planned to show off the eight paintings she had done over the past four months , six of which featured Belinda and all of which were now professionally framed .
21 Kenneth Baker , the party chairman , said yesterday that Cabinet ministers would play a stronger role in government than they had done over the last decade , and there would have to be public spending increases in the 1990s to pay for an improved quality of life .
22 He decided the wisest course was to pool all he had made over the last two years , enabling Julian to purchase the lease of a high street property .
23 Turning to the specific task on hand , he commended the gas turbine division as a whole for the great strides it had made over the last few years and stressed the important role that LTS had played in the division 's growth .
24 Before an audience of 5,000 at the Royal Albert Hall , Harrison performed songs he had written over the past 25 years , and some Beatles classics .
25 To refresh her memory she picked up the telephone , closed her eyes , and recalled how his gloved finger had moved over the first four raised knobs of plastic .
26 A Health Ministry report released on March 9 said that a further 21,772 Iraqis , of whom 8,081 were children under five , had died over the past two months from a shortage of humanitarian supplies [ see also pp. 38696 ; 38742 ; 38789 ] .
27 For advanced economies , substantial changes had occurred over the latter half of the 1960s because of loss of comparative advantage in what had become basic technologies which could be mastered by low-income countries , together with changes in the nature of world demand and direct and indirect forms of trade barriers erected to protect domestic industry .
28 The confrontation was symbolic of the accelerating polarization which had occurred over the previous five years , with the Popular Front calling for a determined re-application of the policies of 1931–3 and the right for radical constitutional revision .
29 Sometimes , during the ritual prayer , now he had got over the early stages of wondering when to get on the floor , when to rise , and exactly how to get the fingers up to the earlobes , he found himself begging to be excused any significance in his actions .
30 When Gloria had got over the first shock of Saul 's horrifying death , she put the warehouse up for sale , together with the contents of the ship-chandlers shop on the ground floor , confident that she would soon find a purchaser .
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