Example sentences of "had [vb pp] him into a " in BNC.

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1 He stared at her almost angrily , as if she had trapped him into a confidence he would have preferred not to have made .
2 The politicians had trapped him into a game played by their rules .
3 The Traverse Theatre had been born in the Grass Market in 1962 and that , together with his involvement in the Edinburgh Festival , had sucked him into a travelling show of poets , writers , actors , directors , and hype-merchants from across the western — and sometimes eastern world .
4 Modern society , he said , no longer required either the nineteenth-century intellectual or the ‘ perfect individual ’ of German classicism , but rather the citizen who was a member of a community , and whose education had turned him into a ‘ social being ’ .
5 They had made him into a gunman .
6 He did not write well because he had learned his letters late in life and , though Lucille had made him into a much better reader , he was still clumsy with a pen or pencil .
7 She had dragged him into a room that turned out to be empty .
8 All the same , I feel he found himself disappointed as well as surprised ; for his study had inveigled him into a trap .
9 Kate had followed him into a big sitting-room , plain , almost spartan in its simplicity .
10 His feelings were cleansed of the poisons of revenge , contempt , self-hatred , envy and avarice which had worked him into a hellish turbulence of vicious thoughts .
11 Maud had put him into a small hotel near the street where he was born , telling him to absorb the atmosphere .
12 Hugh 's prompting , perhaps intentionally , had put him into a difficult position .
13 He had smiled at the frontier guards and kept walking with his rucksack slung over one shoulder … until the hand had clamped on his collar , and the boots had pitched him into a cell .
14 He said they had forced him into a car and he had heard the lorry start up behind him .
15 ON THE morning of May 11th , John Patten , the education secretary , was said to be ‘ incandescent ’ at reports that John Major had bounced him into a climbdown on his plan for school tests for children aged seven and 14 .
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