Example sentences of "had [vb pp] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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31 This had dropped him at a garage in Cromcruach and had then mysteriously vanished before he could offer his thanks .
32 The young paratrooper turned to look at me , his eyes alarmed , as if he expected somehow to see that his buddies had caught him in a moment of vulnerability .
33 This morning Luke seemed even less human than he had at the interview when obviously she had caught him in an off moment .
34 He had seemed certain to become the first black Tory MP , representing Cheltenham — Norman Tebbit had tipped him as the first black cabinet minister and there 'd even been the odd hint that he might one day inhabit No 10 .
35 She , in turn , wondered why they could not understand that she loved their father and had rescued him from a life of solitude .
36 After he 'd been coaxed out of the cart in the yard , three serving women had carried him into the house .
37 He stared at her almost angrily , as if she had trapped him into a confidence he would have preferred not to have made .
38 The politicians had trapped him into a game played by their rules .
39 After it had trapped him for the third time , he ordered all the cages to be thrown into the sea .
40 As the hangers-on increased , he became bitterly aware that his inheritance , far from liberating him , had trapped him in a role he could not forsake .
41 Society and its rules had trapped him in a corner .
42 So he went to the commanding officer at Binbrook ( who was the one who had recommended him in the first place ) , and said — no thanks , I want to get out .
43 The Traverse Theatre had been born in the Grass Market in 1962 and that , together with his involvement in the Edinburgh Festival , had sucked him into a travelling show of poets , writers , actors , directors , and hype-merchants from across the western — and sometimes eastern world .
44 Many heiresses could give him dollars , few could offer him the appearance and manner of a lady — it was that which had attracted him after the cruder charms of such as Maybelle Foy .
45 The man had approached him on the street while he was walking home , head down against the wind .
46 Brian refused to reveal who had approached him about the royal job .
47 In the slow movement , he generally retired into his own thoughts , poetically outlining the melodic shapes with a lyrical softness , but then , suddenly , landing lumpily on a note , as if the reverie had reminded him of a reality .
48 He said his mother , Eva , who is Irish , had reminded him of the Klan 's history of persecuting Catholics .
49 For the last hour his progressively alcoholised brain had reminded him of the consequences of justice ( small ‘ j ’ ) : of bringing a criminal before the courts , ensuring that he was convicted for his sins ( or was it his crimes ? ) , and then getting him locked up for the rest of his life , perhaps , in a prison where he would never again go to the WC without someone observing such an embarrassingly private function , someone smelling him , someone humiliating him .
50 The Guardian of Jan. 9 , for example , reported that Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) documents circulated internally in late December had been critical of Gorbachev and had blamed him for the " subversion " of socialism in Eastern Europe .
51 He could see that whatever was agitating his friend had pushed him to the limit but he judged it better to let him get it off his chest than keep it bottled up .
52 At the very end of his lite , writing again of the importance of how his experience as a homosexual had pushed him along the path of revolt , and recalling joyfully one of his lovers , Mala , Gide adds :
53 Had he been bearing a grudge against her since the previous Friday when she had pushed him against the door of Woolworth 's ?
54 He had pressed her to marry him , though he was considerably older than she was , and she had accepted him at a time of great emotional exhaustion .
55 But then , afterwards , I learned that the other members of the party had accepted him as a bachelor and he had gone along with that . ’
56 His father had named him for the Mughal Babur , a conqueror , a hard drinking , hard riding Turk who loved poetry , laughter and gardens .
57 He taught at the College of Further Education a few miles from Spaxton ; she had met him through a rambling club .
58 Ashi had met him during the height of the oil boom , when the late Shah was pouring the country 's new-found wealth into creating an entire new infrastructure for a land that had hardly changed since biblical times .
59 ‘ I have a proposition for you , ’ he said to Burkett and as he said it he weighed up his man as if he had met him for the first time .
60 Shannon had met him for the first time when he 'd arrived to film the pilot episode , and her dislike for the golden Adonis had been instant .
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