Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [noun prp] as a " in BNC.

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1 Eden had regarded Nasser as a fascist in the Mussolini mould .
2 He had returned to Poland on Jan. 4 to answer the charge , and on Jan. 7 it was reported that a lesser charge was being substituted because prosecutors had ruled that Tyminski had attacked Mazowiecki as a rival candidate rather than as the holder of state office .
3 The Pact was founded in 1973 and had included Chile as a member until 1976 .
4 Hull , too , suffered from the poor relations between England and the Hanse in the second half of the fifteenth century , and this may have been one factor which affected the trade of York , which had used Hull as a centre for exports .
5 He bitterly regretted that the knife thrown during the banquet had not hit its target for he had recognised Corbett as a dangerous man .
6 The collapse surprised the City and Tory Central Office , which had feted Levitt as a leading captain of industry .
7 Defenders of the Jewish American pieties and proprieties , and those in Israel for whom the Diaspora Jew is a rootless cosmopolitan , had marked Roth as a bad man , and in their eyes he has yet to turn into a good one .
8 She had known William as a boy and as an adolescent ; she was beginning to know him as an adult and as a lover ; but between the two blocks of knowledge was a ten-year gap .
9 It included Nevill Coghill from the beginning , and also John Bryson and George Gordon , who had supported Lewis as a candidate for the fellowship at Magdalen and became President of the college in 1928 .
10 Richard Cunningham , a botanist who had been trained at Kew by William Townsend Aiton , elder brother of John Townsend Aiton ( who had trained Gould as a gardener at Windsor Castle ) had been murdered by Aborigines only a short time before Gould 's departure while collecting on an expedition along the Murray River .
11 In 1848 , Engels had viewed Europe as a general , deploying as his armies subject peoples to lock up the gendarme of Europe , Tsarist Russia .
12 The Attorney-General had been astonished at the verdict and came to the conclusion that the jury had viewed Leese as a stupid crank with honest convictions who should not be convicted of the serious charge of seditious libel .
13 Croatia 's new right-wing government ( elected in April-May 1990 — see pp. 37381 ; 37463 ) had given assurances that individual and cultural rights were guaranteed to all people in the republic , However , for many Serbs the ascendancy of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union ( HDZ ) revived the fear of Croat nationalist extremism and the memory of atrocities committed against Serbs by the fascist Croat ustasha movement , which had governed Croatia as a puppet state of the Axis powers during the Second World War .
14 Findings from the unions were a surprise to those who had glimpsed Utopia as a world where work became unnecessary : one American union polled its members and discovered that though they thought work was boring , they would rather do that than do nothing .
15 Charlotte said Pringle had loved Jason as a brother .
16 Brian had chosen Bath as a place to which he would take Celia the following weekend , partly because it was not too far away and partly because he remembered how happy they had been there before .
17 When Maggie had hugged Rachel as a child , her small arms stretching wide to reach round her bum , Maggie had been able to feel the solidness of her , the deep-grounded certainty that Rachel exuded .
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