Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was a standard interview room and the only non-regulation items to break the monotony of tube-legged table and chairs were the cigarettes , lighter and an ashtray advertising Tuborg lager which Malpass had placed in front of himself .
2 Like Mrs Secretan , Elizabeth had married off a daughter , like her she had lived in fear ( then unfounded ) of cancer , and had felt uncomfortably sure that she had offended someone ; like Elinor Pringle she had filled up time in odd places , during short periods of being alone ; like Meg , she knew the fascination of the Thames estuary ; with Patrick Barlow she shared the accidie of the writer , and a love for the same sort of painting .
3 The attempt had failed , and the queen had withdrawn to sanctuary with her youngest son , the duke of York .
4 The attempt had failed , and the queen had withdrawn to sanctuary with her youngest son , the duke of York .
5 He brought an action against the chairman and secretary of the club , as officers of the club , claiming that they were liable for the injuries he had sustained by reason of the condition of the club 's premises .
6 Le Monde of Sept. 29 quoted Djohar as alleging that Mohamed Taki Abdoulkarim , whom he had dismissed as head of government on July 4 [ see p. 38996 ; for his appointment in January 1992 see pp. 38706-07 ] , was behind the Sept. 26 coup attempt .
7 The Shah subsequently told the Israeli foreign minister , Abba Eban , that he had jumped for joy at Nassers gemmulation victory .
8 He could not possibly mean here in the bay , yet her heart had jumped in confusion for a moment .
9 Theda had gazed with awe upon the dish of ham and eggs , the lavishly buttered bread and the pot of tea , bereft of words .
10 Unlikely , because Mrs McLaren had taught in school for many years — the school at which her husband , when alive , had been headmaster .
11 Reports indicated that more than 100,000 demonstrators had gathered in front of Georgian party and government headquarters ; many factories were on strike as well as the local television , and troops and armoured personnel carriers were on duty .
12 He also claimed that staff aides to the then Vice-President Bush had intervened with HUD in 1985 in order to win a $500,000 grant for a Kansas City developer , Hector Barreto , a longtime supporter of Bush .
13 She had arranged to lunch with friends at the Lion d'Or at Cologny and call in to the clinic afterwards to see one or two patients .
14 Their press network , built up from 1917 on , had fluctuated in extent with the fortunes of the Civil War , but at its end nearly sixty papers in various national languages had been set up .
15 As the new century had progressed , the catholic cause in the Anglican communion had fluctuated in line with the churchmanship of the two Archbishops .
16 Again I wondered at Edward 's way of making me feel like the useless son out of a folk-tale who had stumbled by chance into the hollow hills .
17 She had stopped to help someone who had fainted from hunger in the street .
18 Freud believed that the depressed person had developed from childhood with high dependency needs .
19 Read out aloud , it seemed to bear out word for word what Alfred Wells had recalled on oath in court .
20 During the past decade , cinema audiences had evaporated like snow on a hotplate .
21 All Penny Seu Chen could tell me when I returned on Friday evening to find you gone was that you and he had flown to Hualien for the weekend . ’
22 Fund raising was underway , in the capable hands of TMAM Chairman Jimmy Beedle , who had flown from Tangmere with 43 Squadron in 1940 , was the author of the superb book The Fighting Cocks and Secretary of the 43 Squadron Association .
23 The voice had veered from exasperation to incredulity .
24 High and very far to the north I could just hear an aeroplane , only the third or fourth I had heard at night since coming to the island .
25 No one had heard of access to ink print information in those days and as I was the only blind student there I did n't feel I had any support to ask for it to be made available .
26 Over and over again initiatives towards ‘ Imperial union ’ had broken into spray against the rock .
27 A person would only be liable as a constructive trustee of money he had received in payment of a commercial liability , and which had already passed through his hands , if it was possible to show that he knew that the money was misapplied trust money because he had actual knowledge of the breach of trust or he had wilfully shut his eyes to the obvious or had wilfully or recklessly failed to make inquiries that an honest and reasonable man would have made .
28 They , by contrast , did not have to return the money they had received in compensation from the Republic .
29 At this time , however , his confidence was very much deflated by an anonymous letter he had received in prison-camp concerning his wife .
30 It was a picture I had examined with attention through many an hour of boring burble , raucous revivalist song and whining , wheezing harmonium .
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