Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] [art] [num] " in BNC.

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31 In Britain the scanty government services provided to the nation 's merchants had come until the 1860s almost entirely from the board of trade .
32 John Gibson , 28 , a farmer , said he had come upon the two men in his barn eight hours after the alleged bank raid .
33 He retired to the striking hill-top house ( in Monkton Deverill , Wiltshire ) he had designed in the 1930s , its style reminiscent of seventeenth-century France .
34 Well over a hundred of Oxfordshire 's lowest paid and angriest health workers attended a mass meeting to hear that almost all the region 's clerical staff had voted for a one day strike .
35 Many big chains had pushed for a 2 per cent reduction , but believe the 1 per cent cut could still help .
36 Nye Bevan I had met in the 1950s — again through George Wigg — and had come to know almost intimately .
37 Both the Board of Education and Ministry of Health were acutely sensitive on this issue , given the controversy that had raged in the 1930s over the issue of child malnutrition and ill health .
38 The education process which the 1970s building surveyor had undergone in the fifties and early sixties had not equipped him for a meaningful and identifiable role in the profession of the seventies .
39 The PPP called for an independent inquiry to clear the damage to its reputation caused by assertions that the hijackers were members of Al Zulfiqar , an armed resistance group with PPP connections which had operated in the 1980s and was involved in a hijacking in 1981 [ see pp. 31071-72 ] .
40 A special commission of the Bulgarian government uncovered the existence of concentration camps which had operated in the 1950s and 1960s in which some prisoners were tortured and killed .
41 He said the police were talking to everyone Angie had seen in the two weeks before she … well … vanished , and so far had come up with nothing .
42 Perhaps symbolic is the typical picket line of today ; people in high spirits shouting slogans and singing to the beat of a salsa band as they march defiantly under the eyes of the police contrast with the solemn processions of strikers we had seen in the 1940s , walking through the streets in silence and in proper order , as if to create any disturbance was a mark of poor breeding .
43 Gabriel went back and told God what he had done for the three brothers .
44 However , Europe made it clear that it would continue to defer to the leadership of the United States in the ‘ peace process ’ , as it had done in the 1970s .
45 By the early 1980s ‘ PLO nationalism ’ was declining in credibility as Arab nationalism had done in the 1970s .
46 Spreading themselves out , they began to hitchhike , just as English students had done in the sixties .
47 The pressure of higher salaries , labour shortages and office rents was by 1989 causing more government departments to think of moving sections of work to the North , as some had done in the 1960s and 1970s .
48 Lord Denning as Master of the Rolls fought long and hard to persuade his colleagues that the Court of Appeal should free itself from the fetter of being bound by its own previous decisions just as the House of Lords had done in the 1966 Practice Statement ( see below ) , and also suggested that the Court of Appeal was free to refuse to follow decisions of the House of Lords which were considered to be clearly wrong ( Carty , 1983 ) .
49 He urged the unemployed of the north to ‘ get on your bike ’ and look for work , as his window-cleaner father had done in the thirties .
50 There was no question of simply negotiating a deal with one American company , as producers had done in the 1930s , and then just hoping for the best .
51 As they had done in the 1930s , Soviet organisations approached state-owned Latin American oil companies .
52 Poor Owen Rowlands , the first-day leader , had slumped to a 76 and dropped to sixth place .
53 By the time they sat down to a light but elegant dinner , a warm rapport had grown between the two women .
54 In another study , Johansen and Fuguitt ( 1984 ) from a sample of 572 of the 11,334 villages in the USA ( defined as a population of less than 2,500 in 1960 ) found that while only half of the villages had grown in the 1950s , two-thirds had grown in the 1970s , and that this growth was no longer restricted to the larger villages .
55 He realized the boy had grown in the two months since he had last seen him and looked at him carefully , noticing the way his wrists poked out of the shirt and the slight roughness of the clear skin .
56 In another study , Johansen and Fuguitt ( 1984 ) from a sample of 572 of the 11,334 villages in the USA ( defined as a population of less than 2,500 in 1960 ) found that while only half of the villages had grown in the 1950s , two-thirds had grown in the 1970s , and that this growth was no longer restricted to the larger villages .
57 I wished that I had written to the two women about Donald 's death , and that I was not now obliged to tell them of it .
58 Faraday had written in the 1820s that it was a good idea to have the same pitch on various bits of apparatus , so that they could be connected together in different ways ; but this idea had not become general .
59 The staff listed consists only of the chancellor , one of the greatest of the royal officers , whose wages were five shillings a day , the master of the writing-office , who originally had tenpence a day , but Robert de Sigillo had made himself so indispensable that he had risen into the two shilling class , and the chaplain in charge of the chapel and relics .
60 The number of detectives on the case had risen to a dozen and before it was finished that number might rise to fifty or sixty .
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