Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was a standard interview room and the only non-regulation items to break the monotony of tube-legged table and chairs were the cigarettes , lighter and an ashtray advertising Tuborg lager which Malpass had placed in front of himself .
2 Like Mrs Secretan , Elizabeth had married off a daughter , like her she had lived in fear ( then unfounded ) of cancer , and had felt uncomfortably sure that she had offended someone ; like Elinor Pringle she had filled up time in odd places , during short periods of being alone ; like Meg , she knew the fascination of the Thames estuary ; with Patrick Barlow she shared the accidie of the writer , and a love for the same sort of painting .
3 The attempt had failed , and the queen had withdrawn to sanctuary with her youngest son , the duke of York .
4 The attempt had failed , and the queen had withdrawn to sanctuary with her youngest son , the duke of York .
5 The Seville Junta behaved with criminal selfishness and , but for the moderation of its general , it might have declared war on Granada ; it refused to send the Andalusian Army to the critical Ebro front where the French , after Joseph had withdrawn from Madrid in the panic caused by the defeat of French corps by the patriots of Bailén , were massing for a reinvasion of Spain .
6 He brought an action against the chairman and secretary of the club , as officers of the club , claiming that they were liable for the injuries he had sustained by reason of the condition of the club 's premises .
7 The army that was fighting there , particularly its professional component , was still bruised by the defeat it had sustained in Indochina in the early 1950s and was determined not to repeat the experience .
8 Le Monde of Sept. 29 quoted Djohar as alleging that Mohamed Taki Abdoulkarim , whom he had dismissed as head of government on July 4 [ see p. 38996 ; for his appointment in January 1992 see pp. 38706-07 ] , was behind the Sept. 26 coup attempt .
9 She had wanted to stay with her brother , but he had called her a child , he had referred to Tallis as the woman whom he loved , and Morthen had taken both statements to her young heart .
10 Mr Blunkett had been reviewing some of the scientific evidence about the connection between deprivation and ill health or premature death , and immediately before your intervention had referred to children in social class 5 being six times as likely to be burnt or knocked down in accidents as those in social class 1 .
11 The Shah subsequently told the Israeli foreign minister , Abba Eban , that he had jumped for joy at Nassers gemmulation victory .
12 He could not possibly mean here in the bay , yet her heart had jumped in confusion for a moment .
13 They had tried a few in the Fahan Lodge Hotel after sailing back the night before , been seen off by two ugly English girls ( Morally ugly , said Rory — they would n't screw ) and had roared into Buncrana in the BMW and done the High Street bars .
14 Theda had gazed with awe upon the dish of ham and eggs , the lavishly buttered bread and the pot of tea , bereft of words .
15 Unlikely , because Mrs McLaren had taught in school for many years — the school at which her husband , when alive , had been headmaster .
16 By the sixth century , a colony of holy men had gathered at Glastonbury in the Somerset Levels .
17 Reports indicated that more than 100,000 demonstrators had gathered in front of Georgian party and government headquarters ; many factories were on strike as well as the local television , and troops and armoured personnel carriers were on duty .
18 Oil Ministers from the member states of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) who had gathered in Vienna for their 93rd meeting on Nov. 25-27 , reached agreement on a cut in output which would involve restricting global OPEC oil production to 24,580,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) in the first quarter of 1993 .
19 Once baptised in the fiery power of the Spirit which had been in Jesus , the disciples at once interpret it as the fulfilment of Joel 's prophecy about the availability of the Spirit in the last days , and proclaim the good news to the representative crowd from ‘ every nation under heaven ’ which had gathered in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost ( 2:16ff ) .
20 A group of spectators had gathered like vultures on the pavement .
21 This was the final stage of a two-year investigation into the actions of five senators , all but one of them Democrats , who had intervened with regulators on Keating 's behalf at a time when he contributed some $1,300,000 to their campaigns and political causes .
22 The prime target of their discontent was Serrano , for he had intervened with Franco in an attempt to obtain clemency for the Falangists involved in what Galarza and Varela were presenting as an attack on the Army as an institution .
23 He also claimed that staff aides to the then Vice-President Bush had intervened with HUD in 1985 in order to win a $500,000 grant for a Kansas City developer , Hector Barreto , a longtime supporter of Bush .
24 She had arranged to lunch with friends at the Lion d'Or at Cologny and call in to the clinic afterwards to see one or two patients .
25 Usually Beth accompanied her to town , but , seeing as the Hansom would be going right by the flower-shop , she had arranged for Cissie to be dropped off there .
26 Deutsche Bank , which arranged a Dm100m issue , and Geneva-based Warburg Soditic , which led two Swiss franc bonds , followed an example set by Credit Suisse which on Tuesday called the four issues it had arranged in Switzerland into default .
27 The price had soared to 250p before crashing last year .
28 In making his decision , he said , he had consulted with representatives from " Jordan , Yemen , Palestine , Sudan and the Arab Maghreb " and had been " encouraged " by " the decision of the Democratic Party in the US Senate and the European Parliament 's invitation to our Foreign Minister for dialogue " .
29 Their press network , built up from 1917 on , had fluctuated in extent with the fortunes of the Civil War , but at its end nearly sixty papers in various national languages had been set up .
30 As the new century had progressed , the catholic cause in the Anglican communion had fluctuated in line with the churchmanship of the two Archbishops .
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