Example sentences of "had [vb pp] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From the outside it looked as if the NAMIBIA players surrounding their coach-cum-manager-cum-union President , Henning Snyman , had gathered for the ritual pre-match huddle .
2 M. Denny , one of the organising committee , had arranged for the Olympic cricket match to be played at the Velodrome de Vincennes , still in use today .
3 This was quite an achievement as there were many well-known archers at the meeting — the captain had arranged for the northern championship meeting to be held at the same venue on the three days prior to the Scorton shoot .
4 Further , on appointment he had realised for the first time that the eastern parts of the District remained largely undeveloped by the WEA .
5 By July 30 , 12 candidates had registered for the presidential elections due to be held simultaneously with legislative elections on September 29-30 .
6 Bush droned on about good and evil , right and wrong , Hitler , Munich , appeasement , using all the same phrases that most of us thought we had heard for the last time , after the revolutions of 1989 .
7 Hennessy asserted repeatedly that the mix of offenders in the prisons affected by riots in 1996 had altered for the worse .
8 John McFall , a Labour home affairs spokesman , had pressed for the proposed penalties , a six-month jail sentence or a fine of up to £1,000 , to be increased .
9 20–6 Mrs McIver , wife of the Moderator , asked to be relieved of the duty of leader of praise which she had undertaken for the past two years .
10 Hitherto galleries had been living-rooms presenting pictures as ‘ adjuncts to polite living ’ , but Kasmin had fallen for the new American abstract painting and wanted the clean New York look to go with it — the neutral , bare , well-lit space demanded by the strictures of the art .
11 According to the 1990 report of the UN Economic Commission for Africa ( ECA ) , 100 million people , one-quarter of Africa 's population , were receiving less than 80 per cent of daily food needs , and per capita incomes had fallen for the 12th successive year .
12 I had fallen for the oldest James Brown/James Brown joke in the book .
13 He preferred to drink — ignoring the landlord 's porter — from his silver flask , which he had substituted for the broken glass of brandy .
14 He had booked for the full residential weekend , as he did every time one was held .
15 He raised the mug to his lips and sipped the hot sugary tea , remembering the day when he had sat for the first time in Mr Corcoran 's office .
16 On the face of it , the shooting looked like another bloody event in Irish history , but perhaps it was its timing — on the same day that the government had sat for the first time — that intrigued him , or perhaps it was Joe 's words : that his father and the men like him had died for Ireland were being betrayed .
17 Grey Egerton , describing in 1852 a fossil fish which he had lithographed for the Geological Survey , could take a more cheerful view , calling it a ‘ pretty little specimen ’ .
18 Lotus was also in trouble and Mr Chapman decided that the end of the road had come for the Seven .
19 By this time , according to Dyos and Aldcroft , most of the potential for river improvement had been exhausted and the time had come for the deliberate making of waterways , a step which , though it was a natural development from a learning process on the rivers , was yet one of great import .
20 Now that the time had come for the depleted garrison to shrink back inside the new fortifications , accommodation had to be found for the ladies displaced from Dr Dunstaple 's house .
21 So he found them a tiny cottage just south of Orvieto , in the grounds of the villa of some Italian friends of his who had departed for the northern mountains , a villa with a pool and a shady veranda along one side and an unspeakably romantic view down the steep hillside towards the floating cathedral .
22 The dangerous logic of events was leading to a predictable conclusion , though Sarah and Coleridge had met for the first time only nine days before and were of fundamentally different temperaments , she sharp-tongued , humorous and practical , he procrastinating and visionary .
23 Pc James Crane , one of six officers who had searched for the alleged raiders , said both men had been trying to hide in bushes and ferns .
24 The only change in the intervening period had been that the government had prepared for the threatened dispute while the Samuel Commission deliberated about the way in which to make the industry more efficient and profitable .
25 Nevertheless , the English had prepared for the unlikely event of a contest in patience .
26 It was to be based on a report which the plaintiff had prepared for the Greek Government .
27 No one seemed to know what the situation was or what was going on but the diplomats , at least , had prepared for the worst .
28 First , Parliament gave statutory recognition and reinforcement to the existing regime of contractual receivers appointed by debenture holders which had operated for the public benefit .
29 The fields and clouds were the same as those I had seen for the last half hour .
30 The key document circulated at the time was Raoul Vaneigen 's Totality For Kids which was hailed by its supporters as doing for the twentieth century what Marx had done for the nineteenth .
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