Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By the time I reappeared , Lisabeth had cheered up enough to smile weakly , having adopted the invalid-on-the-sickbed routine .
2 Angie Bowie : ‘ The Christmas before recording ‘ The Man Who Sold The World ’ , I had flown back home to see my parents .
3 The robe had tripped me each time I had stooped low enough to exert sufficient force , so I had taken it off .
4 A piece of verse he had heard long ago came drifting back to Carew ; the lament of some long dead , long forgotten Irish poet surveying his ravaged country .
5 Stephanie had broken off breathlessly to announce this in English to Anneliese , adding with a determined glitter of hostility in her eyes , ‘ What time does your flight go tomorrow , Signorina Hastings ? ’
6 It was at that moment that the couple whom Guido had pointed out earlier finished paying their bill and headed out to the car park .
7 Karen King — because she was English , Jessica insisted — had given over even thinking about them , let alone imagining what they might do with their hard , lean bodies and their tired , rope-burned hands , had given over bothering to deny she 'd had such fantasies .
8 Dr. Scambler had given up much hope for his life , but within a few days he was surprisingly recovered .
9 It had fallen too slowly to break but the wine had flowed out and made a dark stain like blood on the white candlewick .
10 Polls suggested that Kennedy 's approval rating amongst his Massachusetts constituents had fallen so dramatically following the episode that he might fail to secure re-election in 1994 .
11 Depression clamped itself round Melissa 's head and shoulders and the meal she had enjoyed so much lay like a stone in her stomach as she drove home .
12 She had looked round once to see if her guests were all in situ and observed that almost all the chairs were occupied .
13 He had looked so utterly contented then , surveying his growing flock , his flock , not just the flock he had care of , but his own , Abbott 's sheep driven down to market on the Isle of Bute by his men , shepherds in his employ .
14 He had played in Spain but after a car accident had come back here to recuperate .
15 Tyson 's past had come back eerily to haunt him — this time not in street violence but in the way Desiree Washington , a competitor in the Miss America Pageant accused him of the crimes that were to see the world heavyweight champion 's status reduced to that of a common criminal .
16 Perhaps he had discovered a seam — did you have a seam of garnet ? — and had come back secretly to exploit it , and …
17 He said afterwards that he had understood Terry had come out just to allow him to reach his goal , but it was an unfortunate end to a splendid innings , which made him the first English batsman since Barrington in 1967 to score three consecutive centuries in a series .
18 It was an uneasy night , pondering the risks of leaving illegally , with a barely seaworthy vessel , from an island of which we had read so fondly in Wallace and had come so far to see .
19 We had come so far to find this .
20 From Gordon Thomas 's evidence to the Royal Commission it is obvious that he had carried out much research into an improved canal , including technical planning , estimates of costs and market studies into the expectations of more traffic .
21 Meanwhile , Hunt had carried out further costing work for Barry on the Houses of Parliament , and when Hall arrived at the Office of Works with the dispute over expenditure between Barry and the Office at its height , he shrewdly persuaded Hunt to change sides in an attempt to gain the upper hand .
22 She hated excessive make-up and had applied just enough to emphasize her striking looks .
23 Foley , stony-faced , told him that the dirty tricks brigade , led by Charles Fraser-Smith , had turned up earlier to make a replica of the prisoner 's uniform , correct in every detail .
24 Clothes that had hung well now fell shapelessly like charity hand-outs .
25 Posters advertising Knock pilgrimages that I had seen nearly always mentioned ‘ matchmaking ’ as part of the attractions .
26 Much of what he had seen so far confirmed the assessment of the Imperial survey — that the stage of development Tarvaras had reached was equivalent to that which was thought to have existed during the Terran medieval period .
27 That devil , born of isolation , he had seen so often destroy young men through exhaustion , frustration and despair .
28 The 1350s had seen relatively little fighting at an ‘ official ’ level , but the decade had witnessed the growth , in both numbers and size , of bodies of soldiers who , although sometimes finding local employment , more often than not roamed the countryside in search of adventure and the easy pickings of war .
29 In truth she had done remarkably well staying out of her clutches for the past three days , but then , she reflected ruefully , Adam had kept his promise , staying practically glued to her side .
30 I assess the student 's ability and level of performance , and I might come to the conclusion that they had done pretty well to get those grades ; or it might be obvious that they could have done better . ’
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