Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [adj] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 She planned a chart where Emma would receive an animal sticker to stick on a wall chart when she had completed any of these required tasks .
2 Jean-Paul had stopped worrying about that weeks ago .
3 They crowded round the Bookman , apart from Mr Rumback who had fallen asleep in all the excitement , and asked him hundreds of questions all at once .
4 He had come unscathed through all his ops and then was reluctantly persuaded to become Navigation Officer , but he could n't bear being grounded .
5 Only a few of the Christian residents appeared to notice that the Syrians had come prepared for more than just a few days ' stay .
6 It had carried many on this journey .
7 But the fact that they had supposed this at all suggests some appreciation of cattle-raiding 's implicit purpose .
8 We also talked about experiences of being victims of offences and found Blacks had significantly less , and had reported fewer of these to the police .
9 The old quarrel between Corinth and Megara was about borders ; by the end of the archaic period Corinth had absorbed most of this frontier zone of good arable land , so that Strabo ( 380 ) can say of Krommyon , which is halfway to Megara , that it ‘ was once Megarian but is now Corinthian ’ .
10 Later , Mr Springer said he had attended dozens of these meetings in recent weeks all over his district .
11 Gould had seen one of these bowers in the Sydney Museum , which had been presented by his brother-in-law Charles Coxen , and was determined to observe the construction in use in its place of origin :
12 Cages , nets , animals in captivity , humans who were pushed lower than animals — he had seen enough of that .
13 The cast was young , and only the producer and myself had seen any of those days .
14 All I know is that by the time we had entered into residence again that autumn , we found we had made so little progress , and had remained so vague about our aims that , one evening , Harold Mason and I , who had seen more of each other than we did anyone else in the group , resolved to abandon the project altogether ; and I therefore wrote to Eliot , from whom I had not heard further , telling him that our plan had made so little headway that I felt it my duty to tell him not to trouble himself any more .
15 Edward , who had seen both of these creatures on the television screen , pictured the tiny animals , with their sad wise old men 's faces framed by silky manes , their long , long tails , their agility .
16 She had done enough of that over the past few weeks , and had found that it led nowhere .
17 The house was big and old , with a lot more corridors and rooms and unexpected turns than seemed necessary , but she had done enough of these ‘ entertainments ’ to be familiar with the lower storeys .
18 But er , if Freud had done any of that , you 'd never hear the end of it .
19 Mr Andrews cited the example of an A&E nurse who had done suturing for many years .
20 She had made sure of that .
21 Akagi and Kaga were the first of the battle fleet to arrive home , on December 24 , they were welcomed as heroes , Japanese propaganda had made sure of that .
22 He had grown fond of this place , and now , soon , he was to leave it .
23 After three months he had written most of this work and was well enough to return to his beloved Kidderminster .
24 Diana had felt unwell for much of the early part of her pregnancy , and was not quite herself , which made the process of settling down to married life all the more difficult .
25 I had felt ill for several months .
26 By 1933 he had produced nine of these , bearing such titles as The Seven Stabs ( 1927 ) , The Professor 's Poison ( 1928 ) , and The Factory on the Cliff ( 1928 ) .
27 This had occurred due to these latter two persons deciding to marry one another and leave the profession .
28 Leo had dragged himself up from the East End , where his father , a first-generation Jewish immigrant from the Ukraine , had worked as a tailor 's cutter ; James , on the other hand , had had one of those privileged English upbringings .
29 But after 10 years of Tory rule , he had had enough of that approach to politics .
30 I had had enough of that .
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