Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Captain Moezzi declared how glad they all were to be back in Teheran and how much he had hated flying for the Shah .
2 Every evening I had tea with the friend or two with whom I had arranged to mess for the " half " , as a term was known at Eton .
3 The ferry service was making a loss and had stopped running for the winter .
4 The English court had given leave for the service of a writ upon the president of a Panamanian shipping operation at a stated address in Lugano or elsewhere in Switzerland .
5 Thanking everyone , Mr. Offer said he had enjoyed working for the parish council , the clubs and with two chairmen of the recreation committee , Wing Commander Archie Derry and Mr. Coyte .
6 He had heard reports of a pirate ship in Black Hill Cove and had come looking for the pirates .
7 This time it was an inspector I who had come looking for the wing commander , his sergeant and his constable .
8 The Madame lived to the age of 90. when she died , some time in the 1970s , the hotel was left to Abdulrahim , a Nubian from Aswan who had come to work for the Madame as a young boy before the Second World War .
9 Every man in her vicinity had found himself putting his best foot forward , and she had done wonders for the sartorial standards of the notoriously uncaring C1 division .
10 They would have been less well advised to move from temporary obligation to redemption if they had had to wait for the money which the peasants owed them , but the government realized that peasants were in no position to redeem their obligations overnight and advanced most of the money to which nobles were entitled in the form of interest-bearing bonds .
11 It could not have happened unless the Church had helped to pay for the heating .
12 Once Shawcross had agreed to lead for the Government in the debate on the compromise clause , the possibility of a damaging resignation receded .
13 Serb President Slobodan Milosevic had agreed to arrange for the convoy , carrying 125 tonnes of food , to spend the night in Bratunac on the Bosnian side of the border .
14 When I came back from Bletchley , I had agreed to tutor for the First Ordinary English class at Edinburgh University a Polish woman considerably older than myself .
15 He said the Royal Mail had agreed to pay for the reprinting of the leaflets but it would be too late .
16 His sojourn with the UDC is suggestive of the role played by that organization in maintaining a basis of grass roots campaigning activity at a time when the official Labour Party had abandoned electioneering for the patriotic excesses of all-party recruiting platforms .
17 Of the other candidates , Funar was mayor of Cluj-Napoca where he was known for anti-Hungarian measures [ see p. 38922 ] ; Dragomir had been chosen as NSF candidate on July 25 after Petre Roman , former Prime Minister and leader of the reformist NSF [ see p. 38881 ] had refused to stand for the presidency ; Manzatu , a professor and founder of the Republican Party ( RP ) , was formerly connected with the Ceausescu leadership ; and Druc , formerly Prime Minister of Moldova , campaigned solely on the unification issue .
18 After Christmas he had wanted to arrange for the marriage to take place straight away , before he could change his mind , but it was difficult to fit it in with his new duties as a Governor of the Foundling Hospital which required him to spend one day a week in town .
19 Are there works which you had hoped to borrow for the exhibition but which are not being made available to you ?
20 Sir Martin ( later Lord ) Charteris , who became the Queen 's private secretary in the seventies , had gone to work for the then Princess Elizabeth because his family were friends of the Lascelles .
21 Young Americans followed us and came to sit at our table after we had finished singing for the night .
22 Two years later he had started writing for the Criterion , since he wished to fashion for himself a career as a man of letters .
23 Although Fair Isle is officially part of Shetland , and I had been a keen birdwatcher since I was a boy , I had never had the opportunity to visit the island until I had started to work for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
24 As harvest time was drawing to a close and autumn would soon be upon them , Tamar admitted what she had tried to deny for the last few weeks .
25 Already it had whipped the shallow water inside the reef into short seas , white-capped and capable of stopping the big cat in its tracks if he had tried sailing for the far point and Belpan City .
26 The money he gave them they had meant to use for the Greek trip but it was more than they expected and they had gone on a shopping , then a drinking , spree with it .
27 Launching International Literacy Year 1990 , UNESCO Director General said that the absolute number of illiterates had begun to decline for the first time in history .
28 After paying for her younger sister 's lavish wedding last autumn he had begun saving for the world cruise he had promised her mother for their thirtieth wedding anniversary .
29 This seems to be a deliberate compliment by Shakespeare to James the First ( of England ) and Sixth ( of Scotland ) , who had begun to touch for the ‘ king 's evil ’ or scrofula by 1606 .
30 Joseph 's melancholy had begun to evaporate for the first time since leaving the hunting camp as the goateed mandarin , walking ponderously beside him in ceremonial boots , reeled off the mystical-sounding names of the shimmering buildings : the Can-Chanh , the Great Mansion the Palace of the Spirits of the Six Emperors … the Temple of Generations … the Halls of the Splendours and the Moon and the Glory of the Sun — and most mysterious of all to his young impressionable mind , the guarded heart of the citadel , the Tu Cam Thanh , the Purple Forbidden City named after the Purple or Pole Star , the symbolic ruler of the heavens .
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