Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The authority had intended to publish a full summary of its findings but was prevented from doing so by the DPP who felt that it would prejudice the trials of the three officers .
2 Asked whether he thought Mr McNeill had intended to make a racist comment , Mr Maan said that after listening to him he felt it had been an error of judgment and that Mr McNeill had not meant to offend anybody .
3 Asked whether he thought Mr McNeill had intended to make a racist comment , Mr Maan said that after listening to him he felt it had been an error of judgment and that Mr McNeill had not meant to offend anybody .
4 Here the last of the French had regrouped to make a final stand before the inevitable retreat .
5 In T. R. Fyvel 's The Insecure Offenders , which first appeared in 1961 and which represented the most systematic and unsensationalised attempt to come to terms with the youth problem , the argument pivoted upon the assumption that the impact of ‘ affluence ’ had conspired to produce a novel disorientation among the nation 's youth .
6 Skirting a small lake , they had stared to see a great , grey fisher-bird that stabbed and paddled in the sedge , until a flight of wild duck had frightened them away with their clamour .
7 First reports of an agreement between the Fatah , the core group of the PLO , and the Islamic organization Hamas , originated from a leaflet distributed in the West Bank and Gaza on June 7 , which announced that the two groups had resolved to form a joint steering committee .
8 If I had wished to create a hard and more definite edge or accent then I would have had to ensure that everything was dry .
9 By then our approaching orgasms had synchronized to form a freak wave of emotion which threatened to wipe our personalities clean .
10 Mercury had expected to provide a non-profit service with Cable and Wireless like its morale-booster during the Gulf war .
11 He had expected to have a little chat with his boy , but the headmaster had explained that he had been put to bed early because he had an important French test the next day .
12 I had previously been successful in negotiating a settlement between the Boulting brothers and Elvin 's union , where I had enjoyed establishing a warm and friendly relationship With both sides .
13 It soon became clear that he had enjoyed having a free hand with Frank .
14 He added that holding the hostages had " given a great service to the cause of peace " but that the time had come to take a final decision on this " humanitarian issue " .
15 Its end was marked by the instability of the dollar and the end of US financial domination , and much of the chaos of this period was attributable to the fact that no other country had come to take a hegemonic role .
16 " I never believed such stupidity could exist , " the Collector said to McNab , for whom he had come to entertain a great respect .
17 A review of this coverage supports the conclusion that the refusal of tenure to MacCabe was related to a sense among Cambridge traditionalists that the time had come to mount a strong resistance to further incursions by the tendency MacCabe was thought to support .
18 Grunte had run into him on the forecourt of one of his garages where he had come to buy a second-hand Sierra .
19 The baby inside the womb , therefore , had come to associate a particular signature tune with a peaceful and relaxed time , and had continued this association even after birth .
20 By the early 1980s these had come to occupy a central position in the commercial life of Hong Kong , with businesses in widely dispersed fields , financed on a great scale by advances from institutional investors .
21 During the first half of the fifteenth century , for example , though slaves had come to man a large part of the standing army and to hold the lesser vezirliks , it was only after the conquest of Istanbul and the consequent fall of the Grand Vezir Candarli Halil Pasa that it became more or less regular practice for the highest office of the central administration , that of Grand Vezir , to be held by men of slave origin .
22 Sometimes she would be invited to her sister 's house , but not too often now , because it must be admitted that with the passing of the years Aunt Nessy had come to look a little eccentric .
23 Committed to the cult of the workers as ‘ disinterested ’ opponents of militarism , they generally remained silent about the degree to which workers themselves had come to have a vested interest in the arms race .
24 " English " , then , by the first decade of the new century , had come to have a multi-faceted character due to its variation of role within the new provincial colleges , Oxbridge , and the national system of schooling .
25 Seven other individuals , not related to his family , who had come to have a high regard for Beattie over the years among them were three or four Roman Catholics , including a man whom he had helped to find a new house after he and his wife had been intimidated out of their home by the Provisional IRA .
26 Meanwhile the Petrograd Soviet had voted to establish a Military Revolutionary Committee ( MRC ) to co-ordinate measures both against any German assault on the capital and against any attack on the Left by the Provisional Government .
27 It meant that senators fell into line with their colleagues in the House of Representatives who , in 1989 , had voted to accept a large pay rise ( effective from Jan. 1 , 1991 ) in return for the ending of honoraria .
28 Mr de Klerk said he had considered appointing a black minister , but had concluded that such a step would be counter-productive at the current delicate stage of negotiations .
29 I had considered selecting a twinning conception , and using the other infant as a control .
30 For the past three months , as the illness slowly overcame me , I had struggled to start a new novel .
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