Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] him [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the editorial which he wrote for the last issue , he discussed the general political situation which had provoked in him a depression of spirit so different from anything he had experienced in the last fifty years as " to be a new emotion " ; but he also confessed to a feeling of staleness as editor .
2 As he approached tentatively , wanting to seem friendly but not to alarm her , she had turned on him a long and curious glance from remarkable , slanted , violet-blue eyes .
3 Mafouz , a tiny , pale , Egyptian boy , had said to him a week or so ago , ‘ Sir — I am not allowed television .
4 He had grown around him a shell because a shell was necessary .
5 She was beautiful as well , and he remembered that Clarissa 's warning that she was both clever and dangerous , had drawn from him the rather feeble reply that when they were pretty he never noticed much else .
6 They had requested of him a single large living room , an ample eating room and ‘ no useless drawingroom ’ .
7 But the exercise of editing had become for him a mechanical one , and he was glad to be rid of it .
8 When he exiled himself to Jersey , it was to surround himself with ‘ the sinister sheep of the sea ’ , ‘ the hydra-headed dragon ’ , which had become for him an image of the abyss , of fate , and of God .
9 Glynn also had stolen from him a purse containing £22 and a gold signet ring .
10 He had gone with Richard on crusade and had shared with him the hazards of the perilous journey home .
11 £pound1 , 000 had seemed to him a pretty sum on which to " have a union of his own , manipulated by himself , despite the fact that in refusing to hand over the money to Head Office , he was bringing great hardship to the men in other ports still on strike , and to their families .
12 It had seemed to him a natural extension of his duties , and somehow consistent with Islamic notions of hospitality , to assume responsibility for seeing that Owen was properly supplied with coffee .
13 It came home to him for the first time that what had seemed to him a trivial event , a stupid joke , was something genuinely much bigger to Andrus .
14 After the fight with the beggars he had left the sack with Allen and Marian because it had seemed to him an ingenious way of saving himself the trouble of carrying it to Simon 's hut and back again while at the same time it was a guarantee that the children would remain until he returned .
15 He had brought with him a wealth of experience and he shared many a story of his love of the outdoors .
16 He had intended to learn French and had brought with him a set of books asserting that you could teach yourself French in two weeks , but he did n't open them .
17 Van had brought with him a microwave oven , enough basic food supplies to open a supermarket , American toilet paper , American Kleenex , French mineral water , and a host of other civilising supplies .
18 He had brought with him the completed manuscript of ‘ The Ancient Mariner ’ , and read it to the Wordsworths for the first time , so tradition says , in one of the Alfoxden parlours .
19 He had brought with him the Bishop of Durham , which was mandatory , and which of course Thorfinn had matched by bringing Malduin , flashing an expensive ring of unknown provenance .
20 In reply to a letter from Sheldon Vanauken , who , after his wife 's death , wrote to Lewis about their love which had remained for him an end in itself , Lewis replied :
21 And further , he said that it was his determination to see me again , to persuade me to live with him , that had streng-thened in him the desire to go on living , a desire that had been weak since the death of Montaine .
22 This was partly the result of an upbringing that had instilled in him the belief that it was wrong to say unkind things about people behind their backs ; indeed , a lack of verbal malice , and a determination to try always to see the best in people , is one of his qualities .
23 Unknown to the teacher he had taken with him a test tube of the acid to test its reaction with lavatory paper .
24 If because risk had passed to him the buyer has to bear some loss , it follows that he is not excused from carrying out the contract .
25 E. C. Llewellyn , the Professor , was a rich , pleasant man , interested in linguistics , who had assembled around him an excellent team .
26 He had outlined to him a ‘ Project for a Scientific Psychology ’ in 1895 , and it was at about this time that Freud began to become dissatisfied with Breuer 's approach .
27 It seemed to him now , that she had planted inside him the dark seed of failure : that from it , everything else had flowered , his inability to keep a job , his uselessness , his drinking , his failed marriage .
28 The spirit , wearing wolf skins and an eagle 's mask , had read to him a kind of autobiographical fragment .
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