Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Forcing her mind away from what Rune had told her about the time he 'd spent with Lotta and how the relationship had evaporated with only the bitter dregs left in evidence , she allowed it to dwell on how they 'd spent the rest of the day .
2 The 77-year-old Cranston , who had resigned as majority whip in 1990 and had dropped plans to seek re-election in 1992 on grounds of ill-health , was treated more severely because he had received by far the largest contributions and , unlike the others , had actively solicited funds .
3 When Eliot became a Christian in 1927 he declared that he found in reading Paul Elmer More , with whose Shelburne Essays he had shown familiarity in 1916 , the work of someone who had travelled by almost the same route , to virtually the same conclusions .
4 Without warning , he had fallen into just the sort of trouble he ought to have kept out of .
5 The announcement about dinner being served , Henry observed with approval , had come at just the right length of time after the sherry had been drunk .
6 Almost at the same time D. P. McKenzie of Cambridge and R. L. Parker of the Scripps Institution in America had come to much the same conclusions as Wilson and together these scientists were responsible for what they called the ‘ New Global Tectonics ’ .
7 The man 's brown tricorne hat had come from neither the French nor the British army , but had been bought at the market in the Norman town of Caen .
8 As the Assembly rose to its feet ‘ amid shouts and tears ’ few of them would have realized that it was sixty years almost to the day since the Assembly of the Third Republic had responded in much the same way to the Tonkin crisis of 1885 .
9 Their eyes had met for only the briefest moment , but it had seemed like a lifetime .
10 In both crimes , the person who had suffered by far the most had been the same man , Kemp .
11 Auguste enquired , puzzled , remembering what he had seen before when the lady puppet was attacked and hoping there would be no repetition .
12 A Labour Party survey found that in the year up to August 1987 the price of a school meal in primary schools had risen at twice the rate of inflation , and this had resulted in a reduction in the number of children taking school meals .
13 Bush 's sequence of 35 consecutive vetoes , all upheld in Congress , ended on Oct. 5 in relation to a bill to re-regulate the cable television industry , where charges had risen at twice the rate of inflation since deregulation in 1984 .
14 The colour developed at any point will depend on where the sonic pressure-pulse had got to when the light arrived , i.e. on the distance of that part of the scene .
15 ‘ If that delegation had got inside here the other day , you and I would be locked up in here , ’ said Nicholson .
16 Cornelius , the man who had suggested the ill-fated drive to Burford , the man who had stayed behind when the others started back to Oxford , sat before Harry , twenty years on , with a smile on his face that mixed candid reminiscence and flagrant duplicity .
17 As a result , she had been able to put away a few shillings every week , and over these past three years the shillings had mounted until now the bag of coins which she kept hidden under the bedroom floorboards had swollen to a tidy sum .
18 But in the years preceding the outbreak of war it had become by far the largest single retailer .
19 There was a ragged hole in the side nearest her ; she assumed this was where Ace and her companions had escaped from inside the hollow shaft .
20 If she had known of how the Greeks slaughtered the bearers of bad tidings she might have taken longer to decide it was her duty , but , as it was , she saw no need to fear for herself , only for the person to whom she would relate the devastating news .
21 Influenced by considerations such as these , successive leaderships had attempted since almost the beginning of the war to extricate their forces from the conflict .
22 With regard to husbands voting as proxy for their wives , the government had wanted at least the wife 's written authorization to be necessary , but the deputies voted to retain the existing stipulation that the proxy voter must present the family registration book .
23 I groped for Toby in the dark and found his hands , and they held on to me , and I shouted again to an unknown listener as I had wanted to in the street : " I do n't want this !
24 ‘ Remember , I had gone through exactly the same business with the Hoyte brothers .
25 The Danzig NSDAP was founded by a minor tax office clerk called Albert Hohnfeldt , who had served with both the Erhardt Brigade and the Freikorps — organisations famed for violence fuelled by spectacular beer consumption .
26 Unknowingly the big Doberman had reacted in exactly the way his devious human opponent had wanted .
27 Expenditure in the year had increased by exactly the same percentage as income , with almost half of the increase attributable to modernisation and the building of new lifeboat stations .
28 She had n't been to see him for nearly a week , but that had happened before when the red-headed lout was staying at the farm .
29 Fortunately the shelling had ceased with just the occasional mortar burst close at hand when the Duty Officer made his rounds at ‘ stand-to' ’ .
30 True , you could argue that you had worked from exactly the same spot as the photographer , but in a court of law the onus would be on you to prove it !
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