Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Captain Moezzi declared how glad they all were to be back in Teheran and how much he had hated flying for the Shah .
2 This drew a little laughter from one or two shoppers who had gathered to listen to the exchange between the fishmonger and this well dressed and clearly foreign lady .
3 Meantime , senior officers had gathered to watch from the rear observation and the order went out that all ranks must return to their posts .
4 I had never been able to do that , not with such unselfconscious pleasure , perhaps because deep down I had resented his existence which was preventing me doing all the marvellous things I had intended to do in the world .
5 These I do not repeat here , but my version of Boulestin 's sweet tomato conserve , which I had intended to include in the same book and which is indeed indexed as appearing in it , somehow got away .
6 Mr. Adey had intended to call on the directors to explain his ideas , but he had been ‘ confined by a complaint in his legs and was still obliged to be carried from his sofa to a carriage ’ .
7 Among the issues raised by this case were how the court was to go about deciding exactly what powers Parliament had intended to give to the GLC in relation to London Transport ; whether the GLC owed a duty to its ratepayers not to spend the rates on large subsidies for travellers ; whether the GLC was entitled to implement its cheap fares policy just because it had been a major issue in the recent GLC elections ; the extent to which central government ought to control local authority spending ; whether and to what extent public transport ought to be treated as a public service or , on the other hand , as a business which has to break even or make a profit .
8 I decided to apply for some help , so my daughter Lilya ( Aliki ) and I wrote a letter to Andropov and Brezhnev , and I explained in these letters that what had been stolen was a large number of works from the collection that I had intended to give to the Tretyakov Gallery .
9 Although Peter Handford had intended to return to the Bath side of the tunnel at night to make recordings of the several trains which at that time ran from the north towards Bournemouth in the early hours of Saturday morning , he did not do so , partly because he was reluctant to visit the place in darkness and also because each time he visited Winsor Hill tunnel to make recordings he experienced problems and misfortunes of one sort or another .
10 She had intended to return to the cottage in late evening , eleven at the least , but by seven o'clock she was so thoroughly depressed that she drove home .
11 John and Angela had travelled out by the Sally Line from Ramsgate to Dunkirk and had intended to return by the same route .
12 If Parliament had intended to depart from the break-even basis , he argued , this would have been enacted expressly in Part 1 of the Act where the general duties of the policy-maker , the GLC , were set ; and added : ‘ But section 1(1) says nothing to suggest the exclusion of the fiduciary duty to the rate payers . ’
13 If , whatever a man 's real intention may be , he so conducts himself that a reasonable man would believe that he was assenting to the terms proposed by the other party , and that other party upon that belief enters into a contract with him , the man thus conducting himself would be equally bound as if he had intended to agree to the other party 's terms .
14 Some months later his wife told me he had intended to contribute to the cost of my expedition and she insisted on my receiving from his estate the amount he had meant to give me .
15 As his feet touched the bottom he was thinking of the tanks the Allies had intended to land on the rocky promontory before him ; clearly this was not possible , for now in the starlight he could see its rock face was impassable .
16 Supposing , just supposing , that Mackay and Parsons had arranged to meet at the cottage .
17 They had arranged to meet at the Metropole Hotel .
18 He knew the time because they had arranged to meet on the hour but he was a few minutes late and she was waiting .
19 Every evening I had tea with the friend or two with whom I had arranged to mess for the " half " , as a term was known at Eton .
20 When I had stopped kicking against the pricks I began to ask myself how much longer I could have gone on without somebody noticing the change in my figure .
21 It had stopped raining by the time they drew into the courtyard at Headquarters .
22 The old by-streets now swarmed with passengers and vehicles of every kind ; the new streets that had stopped disheartened in the mud and wagon-ruts , formed towns within themselves , originating wholesome comforts and conveniences belonging to themselves , and never tried nor thought of until they sprung into existence .
23 Bitterly , she realised that her night at The Angel with Freddie Nash had shackled her in a way which , even if she had stopped to think about the possible consequences at the time , she could scarcely have envisaged .
24 It landed six inches from my face and before it had stopped quivering in the ground , a red one slapped down next to it .
25 My only pen had stopped working at the start of the walk ; in the rain my watch face went blank .
26 The ferry service was making a loss and had stopped running for the winter .
27 By the 1930s she had stopped dancing in the line ; there was hardly time in her schedule , but she and her sister Mabel would sometimes perform a fan dance duet in cine-variety bills .
28 In the smithy house at Dull , Jean Bruce hail lain silently under the covers until her four little sisters and brothers had stopped fidgeting in the oppressive atmosphere and her parents had started to snore .
29 Floy and Snodgrass had stopped to rest on the outskirts of the Wolfwood .
30 The English court had given leave for the service of a writ upon the president of a Panamanian shipping operation at a stated address in Lugano or elsewhere in Switzerland .
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