Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Also he was worried about a model he had arranged to hire through Mauve , and then doubted whether he could pay the price .
2 She described a strategy she had developed to deal with this :
3 She had delayed coming for twenty-four hours because she had a hair appointment .
4 On average , 28% of those who smoked in 1974 had stopped smoking by 1981 .
5 Once in the park , Joyce 's mother had stopped to talk to another young woman while Joyce herself sat watching some birds pecking at the remains of a sandwich that someone had dropped on the path .
6 The army had stopped laughing within one week of receiving Gary .
7 Among those present either lunching , or braving the elements to watch the match , or both , were the new Argentine Ambassador Señor Mario Campora , , she is better known as TV sports presenter Sally Jones ; Mr and Mrs Brian Jenks , whom I had enjoyed meeting at Royal Ascot earlier in the week ; , Mr Brian Morrison , he owns the Royal Berkshire Polo ground ; Major Ronald Ferguson , who runs the polo here very efficiently ; .
8 Under Dutch and early British rule their fortunes had varied according to colonial policy towards the cinnamon industry , which at that time provided most of the country 's export earnings .
9 It seemed incongruous to Dexter , inappropriate when he knew they had come to talk about violent death .
10 Constance and Monsieur de Levantiére suddenly realised how much they had come to rely upon each other in the time that she had worked there .
11 Nevertheless , now that he had come to live in this new house he was aware that he would probably be an object of interest to his neighbours .
12 The costs of Mossadeq 's policies had come to seem to high to too many people and there was already widespread dissatisfaction with his rule , The CIA and M16 provided a spark , but the dry tinder was Iranian .
13 Although a traffic function would remain , the car would be demoted from the position of priority which it had come to hold in most streets .
14 To disclose whether or not a warrant has been issued in a particular case could establish means whereby those involved in serious crimes or espionage or subversion could learn the extent to which their activities had come to notice or — perhaps more damaging — could in some cases confirm whether their activities had come to notice at all .
15 Soon it began to create the steady whine that she had come to associate with this strange instrument .
16 With over half the British labour force by then state-employed , whether directly or indirectly , competitive private enterprise in a dynamic style inspired by Japan , West Germany and the United States had come to look to many , and with some reason , like a radical option .
17 Mrs Gracie had come running at last .
18 Luther Reynolds clenched the sides of the chair , his large fists curling and uncurling , and his fiery dark eyes glaring at the determined face of David Miller , the stepson he had come to resent with such bitterness that he could taste it .
19 But I 'd never thought of us as really having to worry about money that much ; certainly I was used to getting more or less what I wanted and had come to think of this virtually as a right , the way only children are apt to if their parents are anything other than actively hostile to them .
20 ‘ In what way ? ’ he asked softly , his tone completely changed , as if he knew they had come to tread on sensitive ground .
21 Used my travel alarm for the first time having been appointed ‘ waker up ’ for breakfast — not a success as I had forgotten to resent for French time ( one hour ahead ) — many comments about my parentage .
22 In later life Dicey therefore felt that developments in society and politics were threatening the idea of the British constitution which he had sought to formulate in 1885 .
23 At the Somme memorial to those with no known grave , his granddaughter wants a posthumous pardon , to finally purge the shame her family had sought to hide for three generations .
24 There was a field of poppies and corn which reminded him only of small and large , faded and ghostly versions of Van Gogh 's " Harvest " which he had seen repeated in endless hospital corridors , waiting rooms , school offices .
25 In the meantime Lowell had made do with powdered milk for both him and the animal .
26 Seb had grown used to gipsy ways by now — especially Boz 's ways — but Dolly muttered angrily about ‘ gipsy ingratitude ’ and returned with Carrie to the room where the badly injured girl lay .
27 I had grown used to these meal gatherings , to the formal greetings .
28 ‘ We 've got this Unesco thing coming on — oh , here are the Fairfaxes , ’ he declared , as the door opened to admit a tall middle-aged man and an even taller woman , obviously husband and wife , who had grown to look like each other in a rather unfortunate way , their small heads and long stringy bodies seeming as if they must have combined the worst features of each .
29 Perhaps as a consequence of this , few seemed to find having to submit a report a threatening prospect , only a fifth of teachers believing that their school had felt threatened in any way .
30 The situation there is that the , there 're , if you have double rooms as doubles then there would be , we do have a relatively low occupancy but the committee had decided to move towards double rooms being used as single occupancy only and on the , I 've got the latest figures for the first of January in front of me just by ch really just by chance
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